{Chapter Fourteen}

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Oml. It's been three months im so sorry. I've been so bloody busy with school XD. Welp LETS GET THIS GOING.

(Y/N) (L/N)

I groaned and rubbed my sleepy eyes. I turned to the side and saw that Tanner was still sleeping. I smiled and moved over placing my head on his chest. Wrapped my arms around him. Suddenly I felt his arms around me. "Good morning, doll." I giggled and looked up. To see Tanner awake. "Morning Mr Lucky Charms." I smiled and got up. Yawning. "We need to figure out who the other person is.."

"Yes. Now that all the distractions are away. We need to go to Luna's house and start there." I nodded and got up. I got dressed and Tanner did the same. Neither of us wanting to start the most serious parts of our relationship like this. But Luna is my best friend. And Tanner is my boyfriend. I have to do something. He walked over and hugged me from behind.

"We will be alright. I already saw him outside when I was going. I don't know his name THAT'S why I didn't say anything." I smiled and turned around. Hugging him back.

"You just want to not hurt an innocent person. And get them arrested."

"You really have changed. I love you Mr Lucky Charms." He laughed and leaned over. Giving me a gentle kiss. "I love you too Doll." We walked out of the room and down the long ass stairs of his place. "Do you want some breakfast?" I nodded. "Why do. Toast for the ride over. Oh and to what to said. No one knows the other person's name...he just goes by 'the kidnapper'. So all we need is to catch him in his act."

"That makes sense. Anyways. Heres your toast." I smiled and took a piece of toast out of his hand. Let us gooo." I grabbed his hand and I put the toast in my mouth eating it. I grabbed his keys from the side and unlocked the door and went out. I gave the keys to Tanner and he locks the door behind him. "Shall we go on your motorcycle or my car?" I walked over to his car. "Your car. I left my motorcycle at the park-" He laughed.

"Right. When you ran away. Anyhow. Let's go~" He gets his car keys and unlocks the door. Opening the passenger door for me. "Why thank you, Tanner." I went into the car. And Tanner closes the door.

He gets into the driver's seat. (imma say this from me being British. I see him getting into the right side. So if it seems a weird. That's why). I buckle up my seatbelt and he does the same. "Alright. Are you ready??" I nodded and we headed off.

~At Luna's house~

We got to her house. Tanner got out and walked off the road onto the pavement and opens the door. I smiled and got out. "Thank you." I slam the door shut and Tanner locks the car door. "Alright...the spare keys should be..." I walked over to the plants near the door and picked it up. The spare key underneath. "Wow. I'm surprised neither me or that other dude tried to search for a spare key-" I laughed and got up. Unlocking the front door.

"Probably because Luna didn't put it there. I did. So you wouldn't even be able to find it either way." I open the door and we went in. I closed the door and locked it. "You're right again, darling."

I giggled and headed to the couch. "Soooo. He doesn't come in the morning according to Luna. So we have the whole day to ourselves...so....shall we continue what Hannah had brutally interrupted that day?" I said. Patting the sat next to me. He smirked and walked over to me. Sitting down next to me. Placing his hands on my thighs. "Just remember we can't be fully save..." He said leaning in. "I know..." I closed the distance and our lips met. The kiss was gentle at first.

Tanner moved in closer. Putting his arms around my waist pulling me closer. I ended up on his lap. We parted to get some air. I looked into his eyes. They weren't like normal they were full of love. I smiled  and brang my hands to his head. Scruffing his hair. He chuckled. "I love you Tanner."

"I love you too, (Y/N)." I leaned in again and kissed him. He kissed me back. Pushing me gently on the bed. The kiss becoming more passionate. He stopped kissing me, and left kisses on my chin and down my neck. It somehow tickled me. "Hehe T-Tanner that tickles hehehaha" I laughed and stopped. "You really are ticklish aren't you?" My face flushed a lot and I looked to the side. "Oh shut it." I laughed again and stood up. I couldn't accept it so i grabbed him by his tie and kissed him deeply.

I felt him stiffen then relax. He kissed me back and we carried on. There was a sudden knock on the door. Startling us back, We looked at each other and blushed at our position. He laughed nervously and got off him. "Uhh. I'll get the door." I got up grabbed the key off the side and unlocked the door opening it. My eyes widened at who it was.

"Tann-" Before I could say his name the man knocked me out. Making me fall right into his arms... The last thing I heard was: "Your friend was study asking for a secret agent to come to her house..." I didn't understand what he meant....

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