Chapter one| The Attempt on Collin

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It was in my first semester, year one in Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, preferably known as KNUST when I laid eyes on Felix Collin. it was never a love at first site for me, yes I was a little stunned when I was introduced by a friend to him. black and handsome, Felix was about 6ft tall with the most beautiful dark complexion a guy was not allowed to have. his lips were full with this power smile that could hold captive any heart in a second, and honestly I was victimized.

I didn't think much of it because I had my high school sweetheart with me. Edwin Brown. Edwin and I had been dating in high school, he was everything I wanted. sweet, caring, smart and attentive. I felt on top of my world and peers because he was already majoring medicine in the university of Cape Coast, one of the reputable universities in Ghana. Everything went down the drain in my second semester level 100. our communication begun to break, a lot began to happen, love grew dim till hearts went broken.

My first heart break.

But like they all say, you would find someone better deserving of you in the university. maybe I was expecting that but reality was a far cry from fantasy.

Nothing! not even a pen.

fast forward in my second year, I met Felix Collin again, this time around we had a short conversation, more like what we thought of the lecture notes and how we would want to pass the exam. Felix didn't look like he used to, even better, one could tell he spent time at the gym and yes it was paying off. the guy looked fit.

"wake up it is almost 8" Vera said dressing up, I was not and will never be a morning person but fortunately for me Vera was. my human alarm. honestly I was awake but I didn't find the strength in me to get up, I always loved to stay in bed a little more before doing whatever the day required of me. I reluctantly dragged myself out of bed wishing it was a weekend.

At 9:30, we were done heading to the bus stop and my prayer was to meet less people at the station. Monday mornings were always busy especially with the business students dressed in their blue and black uniforms flooding the whole place, they practically owned the shuttle every time and I found it irritating.

And who was I kidding? There was a crowd as always, but that didn't stop us from going to class 30 minutes earlier. I knew if I truly wanted to comfortably get in a shuttle I had to be ready at least an hour earlier for class but what's the fun in all that?

The shuttle arrived 2 minutes after, Vera and I maneuvered our way in luckily finding a comfortable place to stand. Unfortunately, our victory was short lived as a lot of people trouped in sandwiching us in the process and now my lugs had to fight for fresh air. The 3 minutes' drive from my hostel to the lecture hall took more than that, the shuttle was slower than usual and I wanted nothing more than to push everyone out!

I appreciated the space and fresh air the 7 minutes ride robbed of me once we alighted. KNUST is one of the best universities in the country- rephrase that, it is the best. From the architectural designs to technologies, and currently we were leading at as the institution with best developed technology.

It was almost 10am and the thought of going through a 2-hour class left me exhausted, if I could have it my way I would sleep it off. But who was I kidding? Each semester mom and dad expected more from me. I was a good student and was not ready to lose that reputation even though I wanted nothing more than to lazy around.

Trying to put down some notes and balancing the thought of what I would eat after class was all that happened in the space of two hours.

"Cleo!" I turned searching the crowd for the voice, everyone seems to mind their business making me wonder if I mistook hearing my name, probably all in my head. I felt a hand snake my waist taking me by surprise. I didn't like it when people touched me, especially when I was not close to them, even with Edwin maybe due to our long distance relationship.

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