the cat is out of the box

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I had a suspicion that McGonagall was watching over me, I thought I saw a cat in the dueling courtyard just watching me spar with my classmates. I even see that cat in the library and I petted her without knowing that it was her. I think I gave her a piece of tuna, lol I unknowingly gave my professor a snack. 

Why would she hide the fact that she was my godmother for all these years?  when I confronted her about it during transfiguration class she replied "not right now Miss Raven, come to my office after class and I will explain everything, but for now please take a seat class is about to start" 

We learned about Animagi which was pretty cool and about the four known unregistered Animagi.  After class, we were debating on which animal we were most like.  We all agreed that Philp Nox would be a golden retriever seeing that he has the personality of them. He is very even-tempered when explaining things,  intelligent when he writes, and a very affectionate friend. With Jacob, it was a toss-up between otter and Huskey and we shall see later on. Brooklyn is no doubt a lion you should see her face off her fear when the boggart took the shape of her Grandfather being very disappointed at her for failing her classes and when she cast Riddikulus the boggart changed into a  drag queen.  

After class, Ms. McGonagall explained to me that she was in fact, my godmother, however, she did not mention it before because that would not be fair to the other students.  I understood because, to be honest, I wouldn't want her playing favorites either. She also kept it a secret in a case for safety reasons. She stated, "I won't give anything away, for it is yours to claim should you decide to claim it."  "claim what?" I questioned,  she mentioned, "have you ever wondered why there was a blank piece of paper in Rowena Ravenclaws dairy."  I took out the diary and flipped to the page that had a blank piece of paper. I tapped my wand to the blank piece of paper as I uttered the incantation revelare. The lettering began to reveal itself on the page, the names Rowena Ravenclaw and Helena Ravenclaw were on there, along with Marlene Sue Katherine Helena Loyola Ravenclaw who is my birth mom before she dad's last name,  Olivine Rowen Alexandria Helena Murray my sister who I didn't know had this name I just always known her as Olivia Murray, Victoria Katherine Blair  Hazel Raven Murray which is my name. I noticed that there were half-siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins, stepsons, and so on. 

Also list of rooms numbers for Ravenclaw Inn and letters B4, A6, C5, H9, D4, K6, A9, C7, E5, N7, B9, and K9.  So that means that there are 11 floors in all. 

During  Divination class it was weird first a cold chill blew into the room, and then Anthony's eyes started to roll into the back of his head, and spoke in Latin. afterward, after class, he stated that he doesn't know what happened and just has a headache. We translated what he was uttering and it was translated into four shall live and three shall die. one in the fire, one in the pot. one will lay to rot. The era of the legends of the houses will be tested. No further explanation needed. Thank you. 

Everyone had questions "who are the four legends?"  "I wonder who will die?" "I don't know, but I am sleeping with my wand tonight"

I started to keep my dairy very close and transfigure it into a feather to keep it hidden. 

In Potions class, everyone was filling up their vials of antidote to common poisons and Wiggenweld potion. 

my hogwarts journeyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя