we are flying

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Flying lesson was good , we summoned our brooms by  having  to position ourselves on the left side of it, reach out with our right hand and say, "with feeling" the word "Up!". If successful, the broom should jump up to our hand.

easy right?

Dante Parker one of the Parker twins got hit in the face with the broomstick, i feel bad for him but it's funny at the same time. 

once we all summoned our brooms , we mounted them. Madam Hooch would demonstrate how to mount one's brooms without sliding off the end, and would correct students on how our grips on the broom should be.

we were now ready for broom riding, is to show the capability of controlling the broom to the extent of getting up in the air and getting back down safely. Students would be instructed to kick off from the ground hard and rise a few feet in the air while keeping our brooms steady, and then proceed to come straight back down on the ground by leaning forward slightly.  

it was really nice for me, Fennec , Crimson, Raven, Anthony. Rumor has it that Angelo Falcon , Fennec's dad was one of the greatest beaters in  Hogwarts history. Jace , Crimson's father was a chaser that in that same year.  Anthony is a natural when it comes to flying on a broom, he has steady balance, smooth control of the broom and great speed. 

my hogwarts journeyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon