into the second year at Hogwarts

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It's my second year at Hogwarts, and I hope it'll be better than the last.  I have already got all of my books and now I just need to show up at Hogwarts ready to learn. I am ready I have my wand in my hand and I'm prepared for anything.  Charm? I have concentrated on how to successfully make Lia Lily do a jig across the charms classroom. Potion? I have been measuring my ingredients carefully and making sure that my cauldron doesn't get too hot that  Draconaus Riddle has to award me at least 10 house points for trying.  I have written two-page essays for the History of magic in each class and using the spell check quill to make sure I have no errors. In charms class, we often cast incendio, immobulus, and other charms.  I realized that I got better at herbology and that my magic was increasing with how much care I put into tending the gardens. I also found a book in the library and I have recognized that my culture back home in Hawaii also has magic or mana as our culture calls it comes from the land and people as we get older.  I am positive that Hawaii is the foundation where elemental magic is the strongest. 

There were new students sorted into Hogwarts and among them was Haley Nox the sister of Philip. she got sorted into Slytherin, something tells me that this will be an awkward family reunion.  

Haley Nox was taking to her 1st-year classes very smoothly. She cast a pretty decent smokescreen spell, the smoke came out in wisps from the wind and rose into the air, and then when she practiced it some more then it came out in small clouds. 

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