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after I went to the dungeons for potions class there were a handful of Slytherin students 

  Fennec Falcon was looking around at the classroom with a bored expression on his face. Daniel Malachite put his hand to his chin in concentration.   Anthony Barbatos looked around with a worried look on his face.  Alectra Storm was talking to  Nyx Pryre about what crazy thing that she wants to achieve. Nyx thought about it "how about riding a dragon" Alectra look at her with and scoffed " In your wildest dreams perhaps."  Nyx countered with "why? what is yours?" Alectra commented "Well, I think being a curse breaker sounds exciting" Nyx nodded in agreement"Yeah, for sure no doubt." 

In the Potions class also there were Ravenclaw house members such as  Raven Ash, Olive Sparrow, and Jacob Blackwell

and Gryffindor students golden hair and dreamy blue eyes  Philp Nox, Brandon Doge who's deep dark brown eyes were unreadable, Brooklyn Knowles who kept glancing at Nyx and then looking away quickly when she was spotted. 

Professor Draconaus Riddle strides into the classroom with a stern look on his face "My class requires paying close attention to each potion that you make, one misstep can have dire consequences if you aren't careful or paying attention" He scowled at Fennec, who snapped out his seeming bored state.  

"now the first potion that we will be making is Antidote for Common Poisons and this potion is very useful to have if you brew it correctly"  Draconaus  eyes the class "so brew carefully"  So each and every one of us got started on it, I added 1 Bezoar to the mortar and crushed it into a fine powder using the pestle and added 4 measures and I tried to be as exact as possible.  Then comes the two measures of standard ingredient and heat all of it at a medium temperature for 5 seconds. Then waving my wand and leave to brew and return in 40 minutes with pewter cauldron and then 34 minutes with the brass one and 30 minutes with the copper one man all this waiting.  After that 1 pinch of unicorn horns, stir 2 times clockwise, then 2 mistletoe berries to my cauldron before mixing it counterclockwise and waving my wand.  

Fennec was hastily crushing his Bezoar, and instead of 4 even measures of the Beazoar powder he put in 4 heaping cup fulls of it into his cauldron. 

Draconaus came to inspect our antidotes he looked at Fennec with  a displeased frown " Fennec next time I expect you to take you time with this, your mother Roseline was one of my best potions students and I'm disappointed that you haven't inherited her talent"  

Fennce was a bit peeved at the comment, Snape had already graded the other students "Daniel you seem to have a knack for this," 

"15 point to Slytherin for Daniel, Alectra and Nyx's proper brewing of this antidote" 

Draconaus sighed "However i  begrudgingly have to award 10 points to the Ravenclaw students as well, but don't think that next time will be so lucky"

History of magic was next and I couldn't wait to grasp the knowledge of it all. As we began that class I started to understand Bathilda Bagshot and how her contributions are revolutionary.  I found something in chapter 2 of magical history that shook me to the core "wait a minute you mean that wizards actually interfered with the balance of nature so muggles could survive and thrive" okay hold up wow.  Also, the "Great Lizards" are the dinosaurs and the first man is the caveman.  

Also, the fact that the Assyrian and Babylonian goddess Ishtar was actually a witch because she brewed a primitive form of Amortentia to fed to all of the people. 

One paragraph in chapter five intrigues  me  (  Magic practices had such a stronghold in the Indus River Valley civilizations ) (almost 80% of their artifacts show traces of magic. They'd managed to channel magic through their bangles, beads, and vases. )( One small, etched bracelet carries traces of magic with a great resemblance to the Cheering Charm.) Are you thinking what I am thinking? three words cheering charm bracelets...Bam there it is.  

I found something in chapter 13 that I could relate to, perhaps this was the reason that I was in Hogwarts in the first place.   To learn more about  Daoist beliefs because I felt a strong pull towards nature even when I was young. 

okay, I am so making mandalas, yeah Hindu wizardry is awesome "heck yeah it is " exclaimed Jack Blackwell a Gryffindor student whose brother is in the same house as me.  I just smile shyly at him. 

Both the wizard and muggle community can understand that  Islam has a bad reputation and history. 

Then I found a piece of information about the Weasley family that I understand why Arthur Weasley is so fascinated with muggles or the flying car. His great grandfather was Sir Nicholas Weasley it was because of him that the Ministry of Magic Muggle Relations division exists today. 

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