"Cause she's not going to kill you.  You know that don't you?" I asked.

"You,  she's not going to kill you, but I'm not so sure about my safety when she lives next-door to me. She could just shoot an arrow through my window."

"I'm not a coward Kara, if I wanted to kill you I'll make sure you know it's me." Lacey said.

"You've been listening to our conversation haven't you?" I asked.

"You had no problem in listening to mine yesterday." She told me as a grin formed on her face. "One good turn deserves another."

"Lacey,  let's not make a mountain out of a mole-hill,  I don't need help with my homework." I stated.

"You clearly do." She said leaning over to see what I was writing. "You even got the formula wrong. I know Kara's not much help,  but she's got to be good for something."

"You can be my help." I announced like I just came up with the best idea ever,  but all she did was shake her head.

"You know that I can't, I'm busy you know that." She said, and I didn't realize that I had a pout on my face until she said "You're cute without the pout."

"I want something from you." I said and she snapped her head towards me. "You know what you have to do." I said giving her the don't-be-a-bitch look, and she glared at me in response.

"I'm already talking to Andrew, although I know you don't believe me."

"Not Andrew." I said, and all she did was shake her head and say.

"Not happening."

"And why is that? You can just be nice to her, for once." I said.

"I am not nice, never have been. I can't just pretend because you say so." She reasoned with me.

"Just one day." I said and all she did was glare at Kara who backed away from her.

"Works everytime." She smiled at me, as I just kept an expressionless face. I don't know what do with her, honestly I don't. "Okay, just one day and that's definitely not today."

"When then?" I asked her and she seemed to think about it before saying.

"Well,  I was planning a get-together on Saturday. And never thought I'd say these words but" she paused before announcing "I'll be having a beach party on Saturday and everyone's invited." As homeroom was filled with joyful screams, it was no secret that Lacey's everyone did not include Kara Jenkins.

"Lacey." I chided her.

"I'm not done yet." She said and the area became silent "Kara will be invited." she said and it was final, although the gasps and murmurs didn't go unnoticed.

Taking in a deep breath Lacey said.

"It's my party and I get to decide who goes and who doesn't. If you have a problem with Kara being there, you're free not to come. Believe me,  I could care less if you came." She said wearing a sick smile and I shook head and laughed

"That was surprising." Eva said from beside us.

"One new friend won't kill you." Lacey said as she winked at Kara. "I'm done here." she said trying to walk away when Eva asked.

"Where are you going?"

"I have things to do." She said.

"So that's how it's gonna be, abandoning us?" I asked.

"I'm not abandoning you, I'm just busy.  You'll get used to it soon." She said and walked away.

Lacey was right, one new friend won't kill you. It definitely didn't kill me, she just needs to start following her own advice. That one was going to be hard,  but I had a diabolical plan for Saturday. And something told me it wasn't going to work, but I can't stop trying can I?

Unlike Lacey thought, Kara was actually good at Physics and I think we might actually get along as we had similar dreams. Becoming doctors, although she wanted to be a pediatrician and I wanted to be a surgeon; it was still medicine. And that's all that mattered now.

I just wondered how someone with big goals like she had, coupled with being the mayor's daughter had time to participate in Daxton's stupid games. It was surreal.

I was still over my head about this whole thing and I wasn't looking or paying attention to what was in front of me, and I ended up bumping into something or... someone.

"Sorry." I said , not even bothering to look at the person and trying to slip away when I was held back by a strong hand that caused me to yelp in shock.

"Wow, you don't even recognize me do you?" He asked, and I shook my head playfully .

"Its not that, I was thinking Nicky." I told him.

"Where's Lacey? " He asked "We're supposed to go out and she's been missing after her little announcement." He snickered at me.

" You're going out with Lacey? That's surprising. " I said, the possibility of Lacey going out with a male is next to nothing.

"Tell me about it, I was surprised Drew let it happen."

"That's not it, it's the fact that Lacey agreed to go out with you."

" Jesus! It's not like we're going out on a date, come on. It's a one time thing." Nicky said, I didn't believe him.

"Are you tutoring her?" I asked .

"Something like that." He shrugged as he left. I wonder what he was teaching her? I doubt it has anything to do with school. Lacey doesn't need help with that.

I walked off to my last class, I've always hated the thought of advanced functions in the last period, but today wasn't all that bad.

After school, I went back to my locker to fetch some notes, and I ended up seeing Michael note to me again. It was a brooding presence, and I had to do something about it.

Tucking it into my dungrees pocket. I decided to pay my mother a little visit.

It's short, I know. Just bear with me for a little longer.
But really this song goes a lot with the chapter, be sure to listen to it.

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