Chapter 3 - Idea of True Potential.

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I got to school this morning later than usual because, my wonderful dad drove us to school meaning we had to stop at my old elementary school to drop off Sam. Seeing Heathgrove Elementary brought back sad memories. But time heals everything, doesn't it?

I walked through the hallway, as I was passing by the janitor's closet, a hand dragged me into it. I was about to scream when my lips were pressed together by fingers and the light was switched on.

"Its me" Lacey said, releasing her hold on my lips.

"Why are we here?" I asked her.

"There's something I need to tell you, its about Dax."

"What about him?"  

"I saw him today."

"Of course you did. You're in school, he's in school."

"Let me finish. In my neighbour hood I meant, with the one and only Kara, wearing yesterday's clothes."

"Wait what?" That can't be right, she's probably pulling my legs.

"Exactly what I asked myself" She said. "Are you two off or something? Cause we both know that no one simply visits Kara for just a study session."

"But I-I don't remember." I groaned.

"You two had an argument?"

"Even if we did, that doesn't give him the right to sleep with the next thing wearing a skirt, does it?"

"No, but he's a guy. They play that game."

"He's gonna hear from me." I said walking out of the janitor's closet.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." She called out to me. That meant one thing to me, speak my mind and don't get physical, simple right? But not for me.

I walked to my locker, and could see him. He was standing beside my locker clearly waiting for me. Lacey was right, rough hair check, too much cologne check, evasive facial expression check.

"Babe" he started. "about yesterday, I'm sorry." He said, and I didn't reply. 

I looked at him and seemed to notice how he tried to read my thoughts since I tried my best to wear the uninterested face. I gazed on, and noticed a smug of red on his lips.

"Babe, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Exactly which part of yesterday are you sorry for?" I asked him.

"I don't understand." He said, and I clenched my fist.

Its one thing to cheat, its another thing entirely to lie about it.

"Babe what happened?" He asked, and I lost it.

"Babe this, babe that, how can you be so insolent?" I asked. "what gave you the audacity to sleep with someone else, and still look me in the eye and call me babe?"

"What gave you that idea?" He asked, he couldn't even accept that I had found out.

I simply turned to my locker, and thank goodness I had a mirror. Which I handed over to him saying.

"Look at your lips and explain yourself Daxton Meyers."

"Look I-I." He stuttered.

"I knew it, no excuse." I said, and snatched my mirror from him, putting it back in the locker and informed him. "This, whatever we had. Its over." I said and walked away from him, passing through the already gathered crowd. Whom he asked.

"Never seen a breakup before?"

He's still cynical.

I went to the school's garden, which I knew would be deserted at this time. I sat on one of the chairs, and the stupid tears decided to come. Why did it hurt so much? He just had to ruin it didn't he? I was even trying to get my dad to like him, and that takes effort, a whole lot of it. Two years, and he ruined it for what? 

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