Chapter 2 - Poked the Dragon's Eye.

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You know that time of your life, when you ask yourself why you made it till the night? I ask myself that every single day. Father owns a night club, and Lisa; that's me, has to manage it.

I was sitting comfortably on my soft spinning chair in my office, when a call came in. Looking at the intercom; I saw that it was a transferred call from my father's office. He's probably not there, but yet again he is never there. I picked up the phone and said.

"Lisa Cassias speaking, state your business." Trying my best to be formal.

"Tell Bernardo, I'm outside and need to talk to him. It's really urgent."

"Name please."

"Just inform him that its King, he'll understand." One thing I hate more than anything is code names.

"Okay" I said and decided to look for my father in this fine establishment of his, it wasn't hard. I knew he would be in the VIP section, so I just went there. Only to see him having a couple of drinks with a friend of his, like he does every other night while I work my butt off managing this place. I walked up to them and tapped my father on his shoulder. And he asked me.

"Is anything wrong, Lisa?" As if to say I can't talk to him unless something goes wrong. I bit that thought back and simply said.

"Nothing, just someone wants to see you."


"King" I whispered in his ears.

"Where is he?" 

"Outside, at least that's what he said."

"Fine" My dad said getting up, he looked around for a while before whispering to me. "Keep him busy, don't want him to leave before I get back."

"Yes Father." I said. I turned to face his friend, and could clearly see him now. He was nowhere near the age of my father. He looked about thirty, late thirties; but my father was already past his fifties. How are they friends? Good for me, he spoke first.

"So, you're the daughter he doesn't stop talking about?" He asked, and I wasn't sure if that was a compliment or something else, so I asked.


"Bernardo, he's really proud of you." He said, and I wondered if we were talking about the same person. "Won't you sit?" He asked and I settled for the seat my father was on before.

"Are you sure about that? All my father ever does is complain about me."

"You don't know or you just wanna pretend."

"I probably don't remember you."

"So soon, that's disappointing. Ten years seems just like yesterday to me."

"Sorry to disappoint you but I kinda lost most of my memories, so I don't remember you."

"Really? We had some good ones together, you, Carmen and I"

"You knew my sister?"


"How was she like?" I asked him eager to know more about my sister, since she's dead now.

"She was just like you, same black hair, green eyes, tall, beautiful and smart."

"You don't even know me that much, and you're already guessing that I'm smart."

"I did tell you that I knew you and your sister didn't I?" He said, his brown eyes gleaming at me.

"I wish I could remember too."

"It's okay, nothing is lost forever. You'll recover your memories soon."

"I hope so, I really do." I said, and remembered. "I didn't even ask for your name."

MemoriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora