Chapter - 43

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Hey guys

Sorry for the mistakes🙏

Pics credit goes to the rightfull owners 👇


The next morning, Brian and jungkook had to leave for work early in the morning.. Jungkook do came to check taehyung inside his room but taehyung was sleeping..

Jungkook told Brian and nancy to stay at his house because right now taehyung is here too and they all can take care of nancy..

Nancy hired a maid to do all the cookings... Nancy knows the two alphas and his mate can't cook for sure.. Jungwoo and the elders strictly took her not to get up from the bed till it's necessary.

Her first two days of pregnancy was in a critical situation.. She needs rest and good care but instead of that taeyang and irene locked her inside a room..

Nancy was feeling weird and alone so she asked taehyung to stay inside her room till Brian and jungkook comes..

To lighten up the mood, Nancy took out the album she brought from her pack..

"You have this? " Nancy nodded and smiled sitting beside taehyung.

"Look at this, you look so cute" Nancy cooed at taehyungs picture were he is holding a sword pointing at doyoung..

"Doyoung hyung was hella scared at that moment.. I clearly remember the day when he was training me and I accidentally cuts his arm" Taehyung said with a small chuckle "He told me he's fine but I got so scared and started to cry... Looking at me crying like that he got teared up too and comforted me"

"From the beginning tae, doyoung oppa really tressure you" Nancy whispers patting taehyungs hands who shakes his head

"Treasures us Nancy.. If doyoung hyung wasn't there for us, I don't know what could have happened.. He is always with us, just like an older brother.. " Taehyung smiled and felt so thankful to doyoung for never letting them feel that they are doyoungs step brother and sister.

"Let's see more" Nancy and taehyung kept laughing looking at their old pictures.. Their weren't any pictures of them with their parents but they actually don't care when theirs jungwoo and doyoung...

"Taehyung look at this" Nancy said suddenly making taehyungs eyes widen.

"Relax Nancy, what is it? " Nancy pointed at a picture were she taehyung with irene and a girl standing together

"Remember her?"

"Of course I do.. She was with us when we were in junior class.. Don't know were she is now " Taehyung said turning around the pages.

"She once said that she wants to be mated with you" Nancy said as they laughed "You always blushed whenever she kissed you on your cheeks and gave you flowers.. That's was so adorable"

Taehyung smiled at Nancy who chuckles at the rest pictures.. Taehyung remebers about yesterday when jungkook kissed him.. He kept saying that he's not ready but after yesterday he knows that there's no one who can make taehyung feel like jungkook do..

"Thinking about her? " Nancy pushed taehyung from the side and started to chuckle

"She must be with her mate right now" Nancy nodded when taehyung said "I'll go check if the lunch is ready"

Taehyung walked downstairs and was about to enter the kitchen, he heard brians voice.. Taehyung turned around and his eyes widen when he saw Brian grabbing jungkook arms tightly who's eyes are all green and taehyung can clearly see his long nails and wolf teeth..

Mated [Vkook]✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें