Chapter - 38

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Hey guys

Please forgive me for the mistakes🙏


"Taehyung wake up now" Taehyung whines again pulling the blanket over him "Don't make do that baby" Taehyungs eyes wide open as he sat on the bed properly

Jungkook chuckle ruffling taehyungs hair who pouts.

"I want to sleep~~" Jungkook rolled his eyes as he goes to get the walker for taehyung

"You have to get up early tae.. Jungwoo is alone in the kitchen... You will talk to him right? " Jungkook asked making taehyung look towards him immediately and nod "Then get up"

"Did you just call me tae? " Taehyung asked when Jungkook helped him getting up from the bed.. Jungkook looked at him with a smirk

"You want me to call you baby? " Jungkook whispers with an evil smirk making taehyung shake his head

Taehyung freshen up and got out of the room with Jungkook.. They saw jungwoo standing near the kitchen sink doing nothing..

"What is he even doing? " Taehyung frowns and mumbles to Jungkook who shruged

"Just go and talk" Jungkook felt taehyungs arms who signed and walked to jungwoo

Jungwoo felt taehyungs presence but he didn't turn around a bit.. Taehyung walked behind jungwoo and cleared his throat.. Taehyung rolled his eyes when jungwoo started to do the dishes

"Come one jungwoo.. Talk to me" Taehyung whines and this time jungwoo turned around to him with a blank face "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't talk like that"

"She was insulting me taehyung... What is it to you? Why you had to act like that? " Jungwoo asked making taehyung narrows his brows

"Are you serious? Jungwoo you know what you mean to me.. You think I will let anyone----"

"She's not anyone taehyung.. She is your family, your aunt" Jungwoo said interrupting taehyung who chuckles

"She's my family then what are you? " Jungwoo gulps and looked away

"No one"

"I know you didn't wanted me to know who I am but don't you dare you to say that you are no one to me jungwoo" Taehyung said firmly making jungwoo sign

"I'm sorry" Taehyung said looking on the floor... Jungwoo rubbed his temple and then looked at taehyung

"Taehyung, you know really love you right... I shouldn't have slapped you like that I'm sorry... It's just, I didn't wanted her to tell you everything" Jungwoo caresses taehyunys cheeks.. Taehyung bites his lips with a nod

"Then you forgive me right? " Jungwoo chuckled and nodded "Then give me a hug" Taehyung was about to hug but jungwoo stopped him

"I will hug you if you do as I say" Jungwoo said making taehyung nod desperately

"I will do anything" Taehyung said taking jungwoo's hands who smiled

"You have to apologize to your aunt zarin" As jungwoo said taehyung let go of his hands and looks at him with 'are you serious' look

"I will never apologize to her jungwoo.. After what she said about you and i---"

"Fine then, I won't forgive you either... " Jungwoo said and was about to leave but stopped beside taehyung "And forget about hug"

"Jungwoo~~" Taehyung grabbed jungwoo's hands who tried not to laugh in front of him "I will fucking apologize to her"

"You really will? " Jungwoo asked with a wide smile making taehyung nod slowly "But you have to stop cursing"

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