Chapter - 7

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Hey tinies

Please forgive me for the mistakes 🙏


Taehyung eyes slowly opened when he heard noices from outside.. He got up from his bed and but as he opened the door that exact smell hits him...

He immediately closed the door and ran inside the washroom to clean himself... He sighed nervously as he walks down stairs...

"Oh there you are" Doyoung came towards taehyung and brushed his fingers on taehyungs hair "Slept well? " Taehyung smiled and nodded a little..

"Nancy is showing Brian the house and..." Doyoung said while chuckling "Jungkook is talking with someone outside" Taehyung looked at doyoung and smiled and walked upstairs

"So what? " Taehyung mumbles narrowing his brows but still he slowly walks towards the main door

"Yes, everything is fine.. Brian got himself a mate.. " Jungkook talked while chuckling on his phone.. Taehyung bites his lips and walks inside the house

"Tae" Taehyung stopped and smiled when Nancy walks towards him

"Good morning Prince Taehyung" Brian bows a little with a smile so did taehyung blankly

"No need for the formalities... Just call me taehyung" Taehyung said making Nancy smile widely... Brian giggled and nodded

"Hyung... " Brian said and walks towards Jungkook who entered into the house "With whom you were talking too? "

"It was t---"

"Alpha king" Jungkook stopped when doyoung came with smile.. "Make yourself comfortable and if you want anything please inform me" Jungkook smiled a little and nodded

"Hyung actually... I was thinking about um... " Brian bites his lips nervously... Jungkook narrows his brows looking at Brian curiously

"What is it Brian? "

"Actually I wanted to have lunch with Nancy.. " Brian said looking on the floor... Taehyung chuckled sarcastically

"Just say it out loud that you want to take my sister on a date" Taehyung said and sat on the couch... Nancy blushed and closed her eyes and Doyoung shakes his head and looks at Brian

"Of course you kids can go.. Enjoy" Nancy smiled and hugged doyoung.. Brian looked at taehyung and walked towards him

"Taehyung... " Brian said making taehyung look up "Can I take my mate on a date? " Brian smiled while asking...

Taehyung grits his teeth as his fist tightens..

"Brian" Jungkook called Brian who looked at him.. Jungkook gestures both of Nancy and Brian to go..

"Taehyung can I go? " This time Nancy asked looking at taehyung who bites his lips... He looked at her and smiled

"Of course" He smiled and got up from the couch "Have fun" Taehyung looked at Brian and then at Nancy..

"Prince Taehyungs breakfast is ready" The maid bows to doyoung who was about to say something to taehyung but taehyung interrupt him

"Bring it to my room" Taehyung said and left as the maid bows and ran inside the kitchen

"This brat" Doyoung signed and smiled at jungkook "Please accept my apology, taehyung is always like this" Doyoung said which makes Jungkook nod

"It's okay King Doyoung... There's nothing to apologize for" Jungkook said with a small smile.. Doyoung smiled and signed

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