chapter twenty five

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bella's pov

All I can think about on the way to his house is every bad possibility. That's definitely one of my biggest flaws. He's my favorite person and if anything happened to him, I won't be able to live with myself.

I finally arrived at his house and I spotted only his car in the driveway, which means he's home alone. I knocked on the door and got no answer. But to my luck, the door was unlocked.

"Jack?!" I yelled. No response.

"Jaack?!" I yelled again, a little louder. No response.

I began to panic and my heart was pounding. I walked up the stairs and slowly turned the knob on his bedroom door. A familiar scent filled my nostrils. Vodka. I saw the bottle laying on the floor, empty.

Then I saw him laying on his bed. I rushed over to him and grabbed onto his hand.

"Jack?" I said, my voice cracking. No response. "Come on baby. Please wake up." Nothing.

Tears began swelling up in my eyes. I can't fucking lose my boy. I'm in love with him. (whoop there it is)

He still had a pulse, but it was very slow. I did the only thing left I knew to do. I pulled out my phone and dialed 911.


author's note: oh my GOD I'm so sorry this wasn't planned I'm crying fuck my life

comment or something idk holy shit don't hate me

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