chapter eight

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bella's pov
I woke up this morning with a pounding headache, my stomach in knots, and a muscular arm wrapped around me. I must have hooked up with a random guy again and he brought me home.
I wiggle out of the tight grasp that the stranger has on me, and I pull myself out of bed. My dress is still on, so we must have hooked up at the party and not my house. I heard the stranger moving around in my bed, so I thought now would be a good time to look and see who it was. I probably have done him before so it's not a big deal.
I turn around, and walk to the other side of my bed, only to face the one guy I was not expecting. Jack fucking Gilinsky. "what the fuck!" I screamed at him. What was he doing in my house? Oh my god we better not have had sex.
"Arabella, what the hell is your problem?" Shit his sleepy voice is hot.
"Jack what the fuck are you doing in my bed?"
"I brought you home last night remember? You called me at fucking 4 in the morning and made me drive 30 minutes to pick up your drunk ass."
I stared at him while trying to remember last night. I honestly can't remember anything.
"You don't remember?" He chuckled.
I shook my head, "No. Wait why were you in my bed then?"
"You um, wanted me to cuddle with you. And you called me babe."
"NO OH MY GOD. Did I fucking really?" I was such a mess.
"Yeah you did. But it's cool. You're a good cuddler, even when you're drunk." He smirked.
jack's pov
When I got home, my parents didn't even realize I had been gone all night. They'd been fighting the whole time, and hadn't even been paying any attention to me. Which was really no surprise.
I called up Jack, and we decided to meet up at our favorite spot to smoke a little. I really needed to clear my mind from all of this Arabella bullshit.
30 minutes later, my best friend and I were inhaling some of the best weed we'd ever had. "Dude, I slept over at Arabella Stein's house last night." I said to Jack, causing him to choke.
"Dude! Are you fucking with me? You slept with the school's slut?"
"Bro, we didn't have sex. I can barely speak to girls. But since we've been tutoring I find it easier to talk to her. And honestly dude, she's pretty cool. She's the reason I passed my drug test." I really hope he didn't think I had some weird crush on Arabella, because I don't and I never will. She's just not as bad as everyone thinks she is.
"Oh my god, no kidding? Don't fuck around with her though dude. She's a whore and I'm pretty sure she does meth. I don't want you around that shit. She'll ruin you." As soon as those words left his mouth, I stood up and gathered my things. He doesn't even know her, and he has no right to talk shit about such a cool girl.
"You know what? Fuck you bro. Come talk to me when you're done being an ass. You don't know anything about her." I fired back at him, I'm tired of his shit.
"Neither do you! I'm just trying to protect you!" His voice became muffled as I shut the door to my beat up car, and started the engine. I drove away blaring my music, and thinking about everything.
He's right, I don't know her. But I know she's not going to ruin me just by being friends. She might even be good for me.
authors note: this was kind of a filler chapter, sorry cuties. i'm having a bit of writers block. it's hard to write when i'm getting like hardly any feedback. but DO YOU LIKE THE SIDEBAR PHOTO THING OHMYGOD SINCE I CANT MAKE MANIPS I MADE THAT AND IT LOOKS LIKE SHIT O WELL ILY
this shitty chapter is dedicated to @peaceoutjohnson bc she's the cutest person ever and she is actually interested in this fanfic and has been since like chapter one!!! ily babe 💓

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