chapter two

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bella's pov

Do you know that mood that you get in where every little movement or breath from someone pisses you off? Well that's how I'm feeling on my way to meet that fucking geek, Jack.

I pull into the parking lot of the local Starbucks where we had decided to meet. I put out my cigarette and dreadfully walk inside. I was immediately greeted by my tutor, and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, lets get this shit done and over with because I've got things to do." I snapped.

"Yeah, we have Algebra to do." He scoffed. God, this kid is already getting on my last nerve and it's been less than 10 seconds.


20 minutes later, Jack was sitting there trying to explain imaginary numbers to me, and my phone buzzed. Come over, I got more today. the text read. It was from Nate Maloley, my drug dealer. He has the best weed, I swear he gets it from like Mexico or something.

"Hey I gotta go. Nice tutoring sesh, see you tomorrow nerd." I interrupted him, grabbed my backpack and my phone and got the hell out of there.

jack's pov

I watched Arabella as she got up and bolted out the door. She really has an attitude and I can't believe I'm stuck tutoring her dumb ass until she gets her grade up. I mean seriously can't we just let her fail and not be able to graduate with us? She's a disgrace to us anyways. She bangs everything that has a pulse, and she's high all the time. Oh well though, we have to help the needy.

I gathered up my things, and walked out to my car. It's not the nicest in the world but it gets me from Point A to Point B. I drove home while blaring my Childish Gambino CD. Most people would be shocked that I listen to rap. They probably think I listen to like Beethoven or some shit, but I'm not that nerdy. I'm just no Arabella Stein.


pressure || j.g.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ