chapter seventeen

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double update wooooo!!!

jack's pov

I walked into school with my girl under my arm, and a real smile on my face. Ever since Arabella agreed to give us a chance, I couldn't be happier. I can finally kiss her anytime I want.

I know people at school are going to question why we're together, but I really don't give a shit. They're probably just jealous because she's my girl and not theirs.

"Bella?! Oh my God. You and Jack Gilinsky?" I heard a very obnoxious girly voice say.

"Yeah, haha. What's wrong with that?" Arabella fired back to the girl.

"What? Nothing. I just couldn't picture you two together. You're adorable though." The random girl said.

"Thanks, Michelle!" Arabella looked up at me. "We're going to be getting that alot, you know. Just ignore everyone babe."

"It's worth it because you're mine." I bent down and pecked her lips. "Have a good day, baby. I'll see you at lunch."

She walked off with a smile on her face, and a hint of red on her cheeks.

"Fucker!" I heard someone yell, and I spun around to face Johnson.

"Asswipe! I've missed you bro."

"I have too! Can we hang out later bro? I never see you anymore. Plus, I got fresh weed last night."

"For sure man, I'll text you later."

"Alright, cool."


I pulled up to Johnson's house at around 7. I couldn't wait to spend some time with my best friend, since most of my time has been spent with Arabella lately. Not that I mind, because she's my baby. But there's nothing like a little bro time.

I let myself in, and praying his parents weren't home, I yelled "I'M HOME YOU FUCKER."

"Hey dude, let's go outside. I've been craving to try this new weed since I got it, and I barely waited for you."


I exhaled a thick cloud of smoke. It's been a while since I've been high, so it didn't take me long to get baked. "This is good shit."

"I know dude, it's incredible. So how are things?"

"Amazing. Arabella and I made it official a couple days-"

"Wait, Arabella Stein? You're dating? What the fuck."

"Yeah why? Dude do you have any chips or something? I'm starving."

"Uh, y-yeah. Let me go get them."

johnson's pov

I walked into my kitchen, and banged my fists on the table.

Fucking shit. I can't believe they're together. I know I need to tell him, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Gilinsky is my best, only, friend and I can't risk losing him. He really deserves to know, but he's just going to have to wait. I can't spring this on him right now, no matter how much it's going to eat me alive.


author's note: sketchy johnson, hmmmm... what do you think he's hiding? leave your suggestions below. I love it when you guys comment.

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