Chapter 14

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*Jack's POV*

I had carried Elsa back to the Castle. Hiccup and Rapunzel are working to save Elsa. I tried to stop the Evil side I swear. I just couldn't.

I'm terrified.What if they can't save her?! It's all my fault! Oh my god I'm screwed!!!

"Jack?" Rapunzel asked me. I look up at her with tears streaming down my face. "Yeah?" I croaked out. "Elsa's Fine, shes resting. You can go in and see her." Rapunzel said and I nodded in response.

I walked in and saw her platinum hair laying all over her pillow. Her stomach.wrapped in bandages. She slept so peaceful. I pulled a chair to her bed side.

I held her hand and kissed it. "Elsa I hope you hear me. I'm so sorry I swear I didn't mean to hurt you. I promise Pitch is gonna pay for what he's done." I told her tears falling.

I got up and left the castle to hunt down Pitch and make him pay for hurting my snowflake.

Elsa's POV

I looked around I was in a dark room. There was a door. I went through and saw my room and a little girl in the corner crying. There was ice all over the walls and floor. It was snowing in the room.

I looked closely at the girl. I couldn't tell who it was her face was a blur. Then there was a voice. "Don't be afraid. We're gonna have a little fun instead."

The scene flashed and it was brighter in the room. The little girl was playing with a blurred figure. I swear I reconized him. They were making things with snow and they looked like they were happy.

Then in the corner a voice raspily spoke. "You think this will stop me from hurting her Frost! I will kill both of you! I don't care how long it takes! You both will pay!" It was Pitch! He then left in a dark sand cloud. He said Frost that blurred figure is Jack! Then I could see him more clearly.

The little girl started to panic. Snow started to swirl into a blizzard. "Elsa it's ok. He can't hurt you I won't let him." Jack spoke. The little girl.... She's... Me?

Black sand hit her eyes and she cried out. "Jack?! Jack?! Where are you?!" Pitch laughed at her. Jack looked at Pitch who reappeared. "What did you do?!" Jack yelled. Pitch scoffed. "Simple she doesn't see either of least not til she's crowned queen."

I watched as young me got older and Jack watched helplessly. "He never left?" I spoke to myself.

Super SixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora