Chapter 13

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How am I suppose to kiss him when he's trying to kill me?! Ok Elsa cool it. You can do this. Suddenly a shot to the stomach pulled me from my train of thought.

Dark Jack approached me as I raised her hands and shot him back a couple feet. I stood up and took a stance. Dark Jack summoned nightmares and they closed in on me. I took a look around there seemed to be about four dozen.

I was way out numbered. "So Elsa this is how it's going to go. I'm going to release them to destroy you. Then your gonna die. Sound fun?" He asked sarcastically. "It sounds like your wrong!" I yelled. I shot ice at the nightmares. They came and came till there was none left.

"Was that fun frost?" I asked. Dark Jack glared me down. He ran at me and pinned me to the ground holding my hands so I can't attack. He then bound my hands together.

He pulled a knife from his belt and raised his arms to stab me. He got this evil and yet satisfied look on his face. "Good-bye Elsa." Dark Jack said.

"Nooooooo!" Jack yelled. His good side braking through. "Oh you stay quite!" His dark side yelled. Suddenly his good side was back and his arms lowered. Then his dark side came back and jabbed the knife in my side.

"Ahhhhh!" I cried out in pain. The good side of Jack came through. "Oh no. What have I done?" The Jack I know looked mortified by what he had done. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck. Then smashed my lips to his.

There were lights and sparks. Then I felt hands around my waist. Suddenly I felt Jack's lips move in sync with mine. Jack pulled back and smiled down at me. Then the world got darker slowly. I felt my eye lids slowly close and open.

"Elsa are you ok?!" Jack asked panicked. I saw the walls Pitch place lower. Then I saw Jack and then it was just me and the darkness. "Elsa, please don't leave me...I need you." I heard Jack say. Then I was alone in the darkness.

*hey guys!!! So how you like it? Next few Chapter are in Jacks point of view. Just so you know. Keep voting! Don't forget to comment! Bye guys!!!*

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