Chapter 12

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Pitch smirked as he circled us. He looked like he had his plan. He started to laugh that sent chills down your spine. We all got ready to hear his plan.

Pitch started, "Well, well, look who couldn't stay away? Elsa you'd figure you'd learn to stay out of trouble?" He laughed. "Now let's see what's wrong here? Ahh! Yes.." He waved his hand then Merida, Anna, Rapunzel, and Hiccup were gone. "What did you do to them?!" I yelled.

He just smirked. "I did what had to be done." He said standing next to Dark Jack. "Now Elsa, here's my plan." He waved his arm up and talk walls raised high and trapped us here. "I'm gonna leave you to die at my friend Jack's hand." He smiled like it was genius.

"Now see you, well I guess never." He left in the shadows wickedly. Dark Jack moved toward me and I backed away. "Jack please I know your in there! Fight it!" I told him, but clearly he wasn't listening.

He wiped his staff my direction and frost shot at me. I dodged, but it kept coming. "Please Jack?!" I said tears forming in my eyes. "Jack I don't want to hurt you." I told him. "Funny I want to hurt you." He said deeply and slow like.

He frosted my wrist to the wall. I pulled and pulled, yet nothing. He got right in front of me and whispered in my ear. "How does it feel to know that the good in him is screaming at me to stop?" He asked cockily. "I'll tell you after you tell me how this feels?" I whisper back and kick him in his groin.

I quickly shoot ice to keep him to the ground and it bounds him. I then try to pull my other hand free. After awhile the frost brakes. Dark Jack still bound I think of a way to fix him.

I have no idea. It's like trying to make a sandwich, but you don't know how! I see a shadow of a dragon to see Hiccup flying above. "Elsa! We know how to reverse the darkness spell!" Hiccup yelled down to me.

"Great! How?" I yelled back. "His true love has to kiss him!!" Hiccup yelled. I got frustrated. "You said he doesn't have one!" I screamed. "I was wrong!" I cocked an eyebrow. "Really?! Who is it?!" I asked curiously. "Elsa! Your blind! Don't you see the way he would look at you! Elsa he loves you! And we see that you love him! Now save him!"

Out of nowhere someone punched my face. I looked to see Dark Jack free. He smirked. "Don't get distracted." He laughed. "Aww! Is Jack jealous?" I teased. He glared at me. "Of course not! Just killing what I was told to!" He argued.

"Ok." He shot frost at me and it hit me pretty good. How in the world do I kiss him now that he's up? This is gonna be great!

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