Chapter 5

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*after I told Merida* I looked up at her and she looked so disappointed. She looked like she didn't know what to say. I looked back down. I heard a deep voice from behind me. "Oh look it's a family reunion." He laughed. I turned and say Pitch standing in the shadows. "Hello Elsa, I see you failed." He smiled. "No! Please don't hurt Anna!" I yelled scared for her. He started tapping his fingers. "I had something for you what was it?" He snapped his fingers. "Oh that's right?" Black sand swirled next to him and Anna appeared. "Elsa Help!" She yelled and disappeared. "No Anna!" I tried to go to her, but someone held me back. "Let me go!" I yelled. Pitch laughed. "Give her back!" He walked out of the shadows. "Come and get her!" He yelled mocking me. I tried to charge. "No don't its a trap!" Jack yelled. I realized he was the one holding me back. Pitch laughed and disappeared into the shadows and his laugh echoed. "No Anna!" I fell to my knees crying. Merida came to me and hugged me tight. "We will get her back." I could hear Jack and Hiccup planning. "No! I have to do it alone!" They all looked at me. "I can't have you all risk your lives." I stood to leave then Merida called. "Elsa, be careful." She has known me so long she knew I wouldn't listen. It had been an hour since I left through the forest. Then I heard a twig snap. "Who's there?!" I yelled. No response. I started to get my hands in a position I could shoot. "I said who's there?!" I yelled louder. I heard leaves russell and I shot. "Ahhhhhhhh!" I heard a scream of pain, but it wasn't Pitch. I walked to the person I shot and stared directly into Jacks eyes. "Hi Elsa." He tried to laugh through the pain. "I told you I was going alone!" I yelled frustrated. He smiled. "Well now your stuck with me." I rubbed my head trying to think. He started to stand and then fell. He clutched his arm. "Here let me help you." I walked over to help him up. He leaned on me just to stand. I started toward Berk. "No! I am going with you!" He pulled away and fell again. "Ugh! Fine!" He smiled. "Great, can you help me walk?" I laughed. "Hey, you tried to kill me remember?" I stood next to him. "Yes I remember."

As Jack and I walked through the forest I hear voices behind us. "Who's there?!" I yell turning around quickly. "How do you do that?" Merida walks out in the open with Hiccup and toothless. "Does anyone listen to me?!" Toothless shakes his head no, and jack falls to the floor laughing. "Shut up!" I yell. Hiccup and Merida then stand next to us. "Jack act your age!" Merida told him. They all start to talk me into letting them come and I am shaking my head, then give in. "Fine!" I say. They all smile. "Let's go!" Jack says knowing it will annoy me. After a while we heard Anna's voice behind us. We could understand it, but she was yelling at Pitch begging him not to do something. "Oh look at this it's a reunion." He says smiling. Anna walks out and he uses his magic to get her. He holds her close. "What do you want from me?!" I yell. "Oh I just want you to suffer for helping him!" He points at Jack. "You were the first to believe and it gave him hope! Now I am taking yours!" He laughed. Jack tries to remember. "Your weak as long as I have her or can hurt her." He says gesturing to Anna. "Let's make a deal!" He taps his chin. "What kind of deal?" I tried to hold back tears. "You take me in her place! She gets set free and you never hurt her or threaten her again." He thinks. "Elsa don't!" Merida yells. Jack stands in amazement remembering Pitch's story. "Elsa you'll regret it!" Hiccup yells. "Deal!" Pitch tells. Anna appears by Merida. She has tears in her eyes. Pitch uses his magic and it carries me so I can't escape. As he takes me away forever I mouth to every one Goodbye.

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