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I was getting late so I decided to take our bags into our room then I came back and  picked him up and took him to our room.

And changed him out his clothes to his shirt and boxers like he like liked the then did the same to me except the without the shirt then went into the huge king bed and feel asleep.

I woke up to Jaime shaking me with an annoyed look.

I rub my eyes to look at him clearer.

"What's wrong babe" I asked my ruff morning voice coming into affect.

"You don't hear that" he asked annoyed

"No what is it".

"Fucking Connor and James are arguing and I can't sleep" he whined out.

I roll my eyes.

"And what do yo-

But I got cut off when a giant

un-elf like word rang threw the air.

Me and Jaime's eye grow wide as we both look at each other.

Holly shit.

We both put our ears to the wall.

We didn't get any sleep that night.

And that's nine sorry its so sort.


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