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I watched as he got on that big bright sled like his ancestors did before him, surrounding him was elf's cheering him on.

I watch as he looked for me threw all the elf's and smiles when he see's me sitting on the bench far away...my leather jacket clashing with the red and green bench.

He smiles, I smirk, he waves and I only smile.

He takes off in the air jet fast, the sound of reindeer hoofs stomping the ground till they toke off.

I sink my head in my hands once he was gone...sighing when I felt someone sit next to me.

"Whats wrong Mr.Cluas "? I sigh turning to Jamez, he was now out his elf outfit since Christmas was over.

"I,I doesnt matter just go enjoy your time off" I said with a sigh.

"I will enjoy my time off...once you tell me whats wrong" He said looking at me.

"Is this about Eric" He asked.

I nod.

"Its just that I excepted that he was santa, I excepted that somedays he would have to work and shit but I just wish he could stop stressing over the whole madder" I said

"He's been stressing?...I havent even noticed" Jamez mumbled.

"Yeah, he has, and its not good for him I just know it"...

"Well you have been married for six years so ill take your word on it"...

I just nod bitting my lip.

"Well...." he said thinking

"What about you guys go on a trip for a month to anywhere you guys want" He said with a smile

I smile but instantly shut it down.

"But what about Christmas"?

"Will work on the toys while your gone we wont need santa for the first month or two" He said with a grateful smile.

"Urghh thank you so much" I said giving him a big hug witch made his smaller frame stubble a bit since I was 5 inches taller.

But then as usual I started thinking of how Jamez was always I mean always working...

Even when he was sick  would go....always.

Then there was that time about two years ago where he had fainted while yelling out orders since an clumsy new elf had gotten sick therfore coudnt perform there shift witch caused major problems that made Jamez Cheznut the cheif of work shop  to get up out of his warm shared bed with his boyfriend even though Conner said he could do,  it Jamez insisted.

"No". I said  leaking out of the hug

"What do you mean no" Jamez asked confused

"You work hard, to hard you should go with us and take Connor" I said with a smile rolling my eyes as he quickly shook his head.

"Oh come on when did you guys even go on a vacation"? I asked knowing the answer was no.

He sighed before answering.

"Elf's dont go on vacation and usually dont do relationships even though Conner cuaght me in one, or soul purpose is to make toys thats all" Jamez said with a sigh

"So if I ask Conner he would say the same thing" I asked with a smirk

"No he would say yeah...but..thats Conner " he said rolling his eyes before sitting back on the warm bench.

"And why wont you" I said

"There is no need for it, im fine" he said before getting up realizing I wasn't going to change the topic.

"Please" I said with  my puppy dog eyes that No one could resit.

He only rolled his eyes then starred at me for a few seconds before sighing.

"Fine" then got up and went inside the entrance gate of the toyshop probably to look for  Conner.

I look at my phone 9:55...

He was almost done.



Jamez on the side.

Add to your library's and all that wattpad shit mkay love you.


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