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I typed furiously on my phone texting Eric where was he.

He was two hours late...that had never happened before, and I was freaking out.

Basically yelling to get the sleigh tracker working.

I walk around our bedroom, my fingers quickly going over my Iphone six, texting him to only get no answer.

My head peaches up when I hear a knock on my door.

I throw my phone onto the our king size bed before going to the door and opening it to see its Jamez and Conner.

I move aside to let them in , before shuffling over to bed grabbing my phone to see if anything changed, I sigh as he didnt answer putting my face in my hands, my body flopping onto the bed.

Conner and Jamez both look at each other making face before facing me again.

"Im sure he's  fine" Conner reassured as he      flopped onto the bed next to me, Jamez doing the same on  other side of me.

? But two hours though" I  said worried my head facing him.

"Im sure he just lost track of time" Conner said

I only nod, my eyes going to the ceiling.

"Trust me he'll be here soon enough, so you can choke him for being late and youll be able to brag about how you got me to go this meaningless trip" He said with a sigh, me and Conner both look at each other before looking at Jamez

"Its not meaningless" we both said at the same time.

Jamez only roll his eyes while still staring at the ceiling.

I feel my phone vibrate on the bed, I quickly jump up causing Jamez to fall off the big tall bed.

I quickly put the big phone in my hands quickly  going to my inbox.

Eric- im so sorry baby, I lost track of time and Rudolph went fucking crazy and...you know what ill just tell you when I get there, can't wait to get my present, love you be there in five.

I sigh at the text...he was ok.


I throw the phone back on the bed to see Conner helping Jamez...our bed was very big and tall.

Not like they were small, because for some reason in Christmas stories the made elfs so fucking short, yeah they did have pointy ears but thats it, they had normal heights...its just that Jamez was short about 5 foot 7 compared to his 6 foot boyfriend.

"Fucking hell" Jamez muttered out leaning on Conner for support.

"Sorry " I mutterd.

"Was that Eric" Conner asked his blue eyes
filled with hope as his long arms were wraped around his shorter boyfriend.

"Yeah, he'll be here in five" I said with a small smile.

"Alright I guess will go" Jamez said unwrapping himself from Conner

"Will talk about the trip plans tomorrow morning" Jamez said before leaving pulling his taller boyfriend with him.

I smile at them, they were so cute together, they weren't the only gay couple of elfs though...there were many but , we only became best friends with them the reast were just strictly business.

I hear a soft knock on my door, I already knew who it was.

"Come in" I yelled

And then Eric came in still in what he was before, he looked very tired, walking in making grabby hands at me.

I sigh and walk over wraping my arms around his waist, he sets his head on my shoulder.

We both walk over to our big bed, slowly taking off all our clothes till we were to our boxers before slipping under the silk covers.

"So, what is my present" he mumbled out eyes closed

"You know how your always stressed"


"Well me and Jamez decided to give you break" his eyes crack open im suspicion

"What do you mean a break" He asked confused

"A trip off" I mumbled out.

"To where" ?

"Not sure yet"

His eyes open again.

"You should of asked Jamez and Conner that would of been fun" he mumbled out his eyes closing again.

" I did"

His eyes open again looking at me.

"So how did that go...I bet Jamez straight up refused"

"He did but I talked them into it"

"Oh, thats nice" he mumbled out, eyes closed mouth slightly parted

"I'll tell you tommorow what happened" He said before drifting off into sleep land.

"Okay" I whispered then followed him to sleep.

Thoughs of being mad quickly left my mind.


Christmas is tomorrow...yay.



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And all that wattpad shit

Conner on the side.

I just realised how awkward this story is going to be when its summer...

Oh well.



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