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I yawn stretching my arms reaching to turn off the alarm to woke me up before feeling next to me seeing that the bed was empty and it was 10:56 yeah he let me sleep in.

I get up stretching  turning off the TV before walking into bathroom taking a hot shower to wake me up, brushing my teeth and styling my black hair up like always.

I slid on some black boxers and some grey skinny jeans with a black shirt and my all black converses I got last Christmas.

Before grabbing my phone, the room key and my sunglasses.

I left the room knowing that they were all probably hanging out in Jamez and Conner's room
for me to get up.

I took the elevator down since there room was a couple floors down from us, I get to floor signing when I didn't know the room number.

I called Eric.


"Your up"? He asked surprised.

"Yea i am what room are you in"?

"Uhhh, conner?"?


"What room is this"?


"24g" Eric replied as I walked down checking the door for the number.

"OK I'm here" I said before hanging up.


I finally updated and its summer.


I updated the first couple of chapters and put pictures so you can see what Jaime, Jamez and conner and Eric.

Also I edited all my mistake in all the earlier chapters.

Meaning more updates.



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