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We all turned to Eric.

"So were do you want to go exactly" Connor asked his arm wrapping around Jamez waist as a matter of habit.

Eric only shrugged.

"I want to go somewhere hot im tired of this fucking snow" he added

Jamez only rolled his eyes then added.

"So ... far away from here then"...

We all nod but him.

"So the Bahamas then" Jamez asked we all nod

"Alright, that was quick...I'll get the tickets ordered tonight so we can leave tomorrow and luggage apartments organized so we can pack heavily and-

But Conner cut Jamez off.

"I'll get all that shit done babe, you pack" Connor said with a smile taking all the white papers out of Jamez petite pale hands before setting a peck on his lips then walked out off the office department.

Leaving Jamez blushing.

Me and Eric both get up staring at each other before looking at Jamez.

"Awww is Jamez blushing" Eric said in a baby voice before getting out his chair.

Jamez only blushed harder witch was so easy to see against his pale skin before walking out the opposite way witch was the Elf's dorm area letting out a tumble of curses along the way.

I only smirk before grabbing Eric's hand.

"Elf's shouldn't curse it ruins there jolly spirt" I yelled out as I watch Jamez leave witch only made him pull out his pale middle finger before he continued walking.

I chuckled and walked the opposite way with Eric.

"So are you excited" I said before turning down our hallway.

He nods and smiles.

"Never left the the north pole actually" Eric sighed



Then we had gotten to our room, I grabbed the room card out of my skinny jeans, swiping it, walking in when I heard it beeb.


"So how long do you think we will be there" Eric asked before folding another shit and gently put it inside a suitcase.

"Probably a month" I said from the balcony as I smoked.

I heard footsteps then arms around my waist before I was turned over.

"You know you should really quit those" He mumbled as he watched me let out the toxic smoke threw my nose.

"I know" I said before taking another drag.

Eric only rolled his eyes and left the balcony to finish packing.

And there is six.

Wouldn't this be cool if this was a movie?

I think it would be.


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