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" Tae I'm so busy right now , Pleasee give me back my bag !" Said Taehyung when his short little boy playing around with his luggage , running around and teasing his father without knowing that his father gonna leaving him soon .

" Please give me back my luggages , I'm late !" But still , Tae ignored him make he lost temper .

" TAETAE ! "

His cute small legs stop from running and looked at his father , anger surrounded him that he can tell that his father maybe gonna hit him or leave him like his mother .

" Give me back my things " Taehyung said coldly .

He walked slowly towards Taehyung and give him his luggages back while holding his shuttering lips , trying hard to not cry when he can feel something not right will happening .

" Why you packing all your clothes , appa ?"

The simple question but hard to answer that he gave to his father , Taehyung just ignored him and insert all his belongings inside the bag but for the second time Tae asking again .

" Are you gonna leave ? "

His voice start cracking but he can manage it with bite his lips , worrying if his father knows that he almost cried

" I'm not , This is just part of my work . I will coming back soon ." Said Taehyung but his little boy didn't trust and started to crying silently.

" Oh my god Tae why are you being so sad ?" Taehyung while cupping Tae's cheeks when he realised that Tae gonna burst into really crying .

" You gonna leave me like omma ."

He taken back with his words , he look at Taetae faces and brushing his hair to the back . Realising that his son really love him and don't want to leave him for a while .

" Tae , listen.  I'm going for a good reason and I will come back with a benefit for both of us especially you , I'm doing this for your future ." Said Taehyung slowly to make Taetae understand every each of his words .

" For how long ? "

He sighed slowly and stand up .

" A few months ."

" That's too long appa ." Said Taetae with his cracking voices

" I swear I'll come back right on the time okay ? " He said and make his way towards the door .

" But no one gonna take care of me , I'm alone ."

Taehyung looked at him with his sad face .

" I will send you to your new home ."


" Taehyung where are you ?! " Shout Mr.Kim on the phone when Taehyung not yet arrived at the airport .

" Just arrived."spontaneous answers and he hang up , walking towards the crowded of bodyguard and of course his father was there too .

" Damn Taehyung , You almost late for your flight ."

" Sorry , I'm late ."

" It's okay , times doesn't exist ." Said Mr.Kim sarcastically .

" Hurried up and go to your plane."

All the way to US , Taehyung just remained silent , thinking about his Taetae . His mind been bothering after he left Taetae at the orphanage without telling him where he at .

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