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Taehyung POV

I cried and cried all the way back to my apartment while Taetae was on my back , sleeping soundly . I didn't used my cars since my father said he will take all I haved starting from now .

I walked and walked and rain drop one by one make me ran to the station bus , I check on Taetae if he wet or not .

" Taetae , you wet or not ? " he responded and shook his head lazily then fell asleep again ,he must be tired because of me .

" Sir Kim ? " I looked behind me , where's someone call me .

" Eo? Yoora ya ?" My secretary .

" You early today ?"

She smile and walked beside me and looked at me from down to the bottom to my back .

"  Who's behind you Sir Kim ?" I looked behind and saw that Taetae already wake up and stared at her blankly .

" He is my -"

" Hyung lets go back ! Im so sleepy " I was shock back then at but agreed , he know how to changed the topics .

" Sorry Yoora , I need to go ."she bowed to me and I leave the station bus to my apartment , Taetae still on my back singing three bears .

I chuckled at how cute he was singing the song with shaking voice because his head bumping on my back .

" Why did you tell him that I'm your hyung ? " I ask him .

" That's what you told me to do when at public"

I was silent .

He's right , I teach him to do it .

As we arrived , I put Taetae on the couch and make my way to the kitchen to make some food for us . I was really tired and just boiled a ramen for two bowls and bring it to the living room that where Taetae lying .

"Taetae .. "

He opened his eyes slowly .

" Let's eat " I said and pulled him to sit down .

" I cook ramen for us , hope you like it." I said and take a sip on my soup .

" Appa .. "

Taetae calling me .

" Nae .. "

" How to use this two tiny wood ? "

He take the chopsticks and try to pick up the ramen but he failed , he just spread the ramen around his dishes .

" APPA ITS SO HARDDDD ! " He shouted and his eyes start to teary . " Appa , I don't want to use this ! Give me the new one !!! " he kicking the air .

I was laughing at him with my tears dropping one by one , its funny looking at him to struggle use the chopstick , I found it so cuute .


" Appa wake up !! " Taetae shouted loudly and that's can make Taehyung who is sleepy head get up from his bed in a fast energy, His sober eyes still scanning over the room while thinking what happen and wrong that's happen just now .

" Appa look ! I'm cooking pancakes for you ! " He said loudly while showing his burned pancakes .Taehyung look at him and suffocated , Taetae look so cute but what happen with the kitchen ?

He stand up and ran towards the kitchen and check all the things if something was burning or else , he afraid if he didn't notice the electrical burning because of Taetae's pancake.

" Appa would you like to try my pancake ? " Taetae from behind holding the plate that fill with his burning pancakes . Taehyung look at him and chuckled .

" What flavour is this ? Chocolate ? " Taetae shook his head and make his cute tiny mouth nozzle , He hated it when his father playing around when he really serious about it .

" Appa you should try or else you will regret it , I'm serious ." He said and put the plate on the table and make his way towards the living room . He turned on the television and watched his favourite cartoon 'Pororo' .

" Well since you made it early in the morning , so I will tried to eat it . Okay ?" With that Taehyung eat a slice of the pancakes and closed his eyes , just want to prepare how bad that taste is ,

But he's wrong .

" Taetae , this so yummy ! " He shout happily and take the next slice and eat  it till the last pieces , his smile showed that he loves the pancakes Taetae made for him .

Taetae from the living room watching his dad cuteness just grinning and stand up from his seated while make his way to his father and take a seat beside him .

Taehyung who's still in his own world didn't notice that Taetae was observe him and smiling , he loves to see that smile from his dad . He knows even thought Taehyung never accepted him as his son but he hope that one day Taehyung will love him like the way he loves Taehyung .

" You want some ?" Taehyung asked , Taetae just shooked his head and smile kindly , but deep in his mind . Taehyung knows that Taetae have something that he wanted to tell him but he guess that he shouldn't ask first .

" Appa I want to ask you something ."

Taehyung guess right and he looked directly at Taetae that still look down the table , playing with his cute finger .

" Yes , you can ask me everything ."

Taetae looked at Taehyung and sigh slowly , his chest getting thighter and his eyes gonna explode a tears soon . But he control it and make a normal expression , he can do it .

" What if one day omma will come after me and want me back ? What will you do appa ? " he asked make Taehyung smile .

" Hey what do you think ? Your omma never take you from me okay and I'll will never give you back to her because she left you here with me and never wanted to take you from me ." Taehyung said and cupped Taetae's cheeks .

"  Appa I don't want to go back to that house again .. "

Taehyung looked at him blankly .

" House ? Which house ?" He asked .Taetae looked at him and his tears just start dropping each by each .

" it's a monster house , appa ."


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