Hey Look Ma, I Made It by Panic! At The Disco

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Stephanie's POV

"Smile," my mom says as she holds the camera in front of me and Lucilia's face.

I suddenly look up, my eyes catching the camera lens, and the flash penetrating my eyes. I stare at the camera for a few seconds my cheeks bursting with food and smothered on it too. A few seconds go by and I feel my cheeks get hot and I know that under the layers of food that are stained to my cheeks from my messy eating, are tomato red by now. I look next to me and see my best friend, Lucilia bursting with laughter, I mean who wouldn't, she eats very gracefully not a stain to be seen on either her beautiful pink dress or her rosy cheeks, and plus I'm sure that she looks amazing in that photo as she looks in every other photo that my mom has taken since we were kids. While I on the other hand am sure I look like I just went through a County fair eating contest. I look back up at my mom with a grim face like a kid who had just gotten his Xbox taken from him.

"Mom, why would you take a picture of me while I'm eating," I say.

"Aw come on honey you look adorable, just look at those chubby cheeks," she says with a big smile on her face.

"Plus I knew that you wouldn't let me take a picture of you unless you were caught off guard, I mean even when you were little I had to bribe you with things just so I can take a picture of you," she says with the smile on her face and not an ounce of guilt from taking what I'm guessing is yet another photo of me doing an embarrassing act.

She bends down and shows me the picture and as I expected I look horrible and Lucilia looks great. There is tomato sauce and chicken seasoning on my cheeks, My fingers are holding a piece of chicken with ranch dressing on it up to my mouth and my cheeks are bursting with food still in the process of being chewed while I try to stuff even more food in there. I take the camera from her and zoom in noticing the huge white stain from the ranch dressing sitting on the collar of my flannel dress. Wow, I really am a messy eater. I give the camera back to her, saying nothing and continue to eat my food. I look over to see my mom and Lucilia huddled around the camera pointing, talking, and laughing at the picture.

"It's ok honey, I can delete it and retake it if you want to." I look up quickly with a smile on my face.

"Really'" I say

She stares at my face for a few seconds then turns the camera off puts it on the table and says no.

"Honey, you should be more confident, you were totally adorable in that photo even with all that food on your face, but all you can focus on is the negative qualities you saw," she says with a smaller smile than when she originally took the photo. She picks up her fork and begins to eat her spaghetti.

"Fine, fine mom I actually did look kind of cute in that photo but can we take another one and can you promise that you're nor going to show that photo to anyone nor put it in a frame and hang it in the living room for the whole world to see," I say with a smile on my face.

She looks up and smiles putting her fork down and reaches across the table to grab my hand.

"Alright, but you have to promise that you'll let me take your picture, Lucilia you're my witness, see she said that she'll let me take her photo she can't go back on that promise," she says with an even bigger smile than before.

I smile then say "I promise, oh and you also can't  post it on your social media, I know how you love to just embarrass me on there." I say with a laugh.

She laughs and nods her head, taking her hand back and picking up her fork again to finish her food.

I look over a Lucilia to see her plate empty and her fingers making a scrolling motion on her phone. Probably on Instagram, I think while rolling my eyes with a small smile. I swear she's addicted to the app but she's even more  obsessed with Youtube, but I mean who isn't. I turn back to my plate and finish up the little food I had left on there, then pick up the napkin and wipe my mouth and cheeks. I look up and see that my mom is halfway done with her food so I take out my phone to pass the time until we can eventually have the talk about my plans for after high school, I'm pretty sure she's not going to like what I am about to say. I put my finger on the circular thumb pad at the bottom of the phone and it unlocks to show my favorite anime character, Killua. As soon as it unlocks notifications pop up on my phone, I read one of the headings and notice that my favorite gamer YouTuber has updated his channel with a video of him playing Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. I click on the notification and it brings me to the Youtube app with the title I had just clicked on,its video loading. I reach into the pocket of the leather jacket I have over my flannel dress and pull out my earbuds, plug it into my phone, and stick them in my ears. The sounds of guns shooting soon come blasting into my ears and I let a small smile come to my face.

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