Phoenix Hontas

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Phoenix is 20 years old and is one of the sweetest boys you'll ever meet. He is very outgoing and everywhere he goes he makes people laugh, he also tends to make friends wherever he goes. Phoenix is a martial artist and composes music for a family friend, who is a famous singer. Phoenix's parents are very rich and kept him well educated in the most prestigious schools, with hopes that he would become a doctor or an engineer. When Phoenix told them that he would be going to the military after he finished his second year at Harvard they were very disappointed in him and refused to talk to him. It wasn't until the month that he was about to leave for boot camp that they realized that there is a possibility that their son could die that they decided to make the most of the time that they have with him and not let him leave thinking that they didn't care for him. Phoenix is very innocent and has not yet lost his virginity, however he does not feel embarrassed by this. He instead says that he is saving it for the girl that he feels he will most definitely marry. Phoenix hobbies are cleaning, reading, going for hikes, and camping. He is very athletic and enjoys the workouts he does in the military and to satisfy his parents he decided to also be a doctor in the military. Phoenix's last name is actually a shortened version of the name and movie Pocahontas.

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