Truth Or Dare Scenario

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Requested by UFFriskFriend
Hahahha let's do it

Nightmare Sans
-you, him and Dream played
-truths were not special since you can't lie to each other
-then the dare happened
-you were dared to hug a pillow and act "romantic" (if you know what I mean( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) like it's Nightmare
-it was so funny tho
-both Dream and Nightmare were laughing
-"Uuuuuuuu Nightmare, you are so sexy~ mwah mwah *fake kisses*"

Killer Sans
-you were playing with Color and Outer
-that was one dirty game play of truth
-until Outer dared Killer hA
-do you know try not laugh challenge but with water holding in your mouth? Yeah, he did it
-vines were legendary tho
-he couldn't resist
-poor Color got splashed
-you, Outer and Killer laughed (Killer more because of the vine he watched)

Error Sans
-you convinced somehow Error to play t or d with Ink
-Ink dared you to imitate Error
-he splashed you with colors and you had Error's clothes haha
-"hI iM eRrOr SaNs AnD i DeStRoY aUs bEcAuSe I lOvE iT aNd I loVe Y/n uwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuw"
-he glitched
-you had to end it because of his reebot D:

Dust Sans
-you played with him and his brother
-his brother was dared to put pineapple in his spaghetti
-"dUst hOw cOUld yOu-"
-you and Dust giggled
-Papyrus tried it
-almost threw up
-but he is strong Boi

Horror Sans
-you don't play it since, lbr, it's Horrotale, there would be victims

Cross Sans
-you played with him, Papyrus, Chara and Frisk
-Cross was dares to but a lipstick
-Chara knew you have one hahahah
-he looked ✨fabulous✨
-just kidding haha, he looked rather funny
-he then said "XOXO" event
-then Chara, Frisk and Papyrus convinced him to kiss you
-Y/n is a blushing mess, like Cross
-it was lips we are talking about
-he kissed you
-there was a bit of a lipstick on your mouth😂
-Papyrus, Chara and Frisk screamed like: oMg ThEy KiSsEd ThAt Is So CuTe

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