All you wanted

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***Mature Content Warning***

Kat was pulled out of her sleep by the sound of constant buzzing as her phone vibrated rapidly against the bedside table. Her sleepy eyes scanned the unfamiliar surroundings until the force of Damian's heavy arm draped over her reminded her where she was, and an involuntary grin spread across her face. Her fingers moved to gently trace the protruding veins in his forearm whilst she reminisced over the details of their date, Damian's rhythmic breathing on the back of her neck caused her stomach to warm in response to the memory of him calling out her name.

Managing to free her other arm she reached over and grabbed the still vibrating phone from the mahogany bedside table.

"Oh shit!" She darted up, causing Damian to grunt and stir.

"What's the matter?" He sleepily mumbled, keeping his eyes firmly closed as he shuffled about.

"Sorry," Kat whispered. "I just forgot to let Debbie know that I was ok, she's been worried and now I have a ton of missed calls and messages." She shuffled out from under his arm and began to message Debbie back.

K - Hey, I'm so sorry! I'm fine, I ended up staying with Damian and I just totally forgot to let you know.
Sorry, sorry, sorry. Xx

The message instantly turned to blue ticks and she could see Debbie was already responding.

De - I kinda guessed... Glad you're safe and ok.
I'm still mad with you, but I'll forgive you once you've told me EVERYTHING!

K-😆 Ok. I am really sorry and thank you for checking I'm not in a basement.
K- Could you do me a huge favour?

Kat waited patiently as three dots appeared on her screen whilst Debbie responded.

De - Sure, what is it?

K - Could you bring me some clothes over, please? I'll explain properly later, but we got caught in the rain last night and my clothes are filthy and probably still damp. I really don't want to have to walk out of here and back into our villa in his clothes. 🙈

De - Wow, this I definitely need to hear... IN FULL! What do you need?

K - There are a pair of jeans and a hoodie on the back of the dresser chair and my trainers are by the wardrobe. Thank you, Debbie. X

De - No problem. X

K - There's no rush, just whenever you're ready. X

De - Well... Joyce still wants to go to Volterra today, so you're going to need to be ready in about an hour if you're still coming?

K- Oh Shit, I totally forgot. Ok, could you also bring my toothbrush, makeup bag and brush as well then, please? Message when you're here and I'll come grab the stuff from you. Thanks again. Xx

De - OK, I'll see you shortly then. xx

Kat put the phone back on the table and sighed with disappointment that her morning would be cut short.

"Everything ok?" Damian grunted into his pillow.

"Yeah, well... kind of," Kat muttered as she shuffled back under the covers. "Debbie's going to drop me some dry clothes around shortly but... I'm going to have to leave soon. I forgot we're going to Volterra for the day so I need to be ready to leave in about an hour."

Damian lifted his head off the pillow and opened one eye to look at her. "Tell them you're not going."

Kat laughed. "Yeah, ok."

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