Number One

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Kat awoke a few hours later in her empty bed, she burrowed her fuzzy head into the pillow next to her and sighed solemnly as everything came flooding back to the forefront of her memory. The loud buzz of her phone vibrating on the bedside table made her jump up quickly, but the sight of her Moms name flashing on the screen and not Damian's caused her stomach to sink.

"Hello." Her voice croaked out from her dry throat.

"Hi Kathleen, it's just me, Mom." Her cheerful tone breezed through the speaker.

Kat rolled her eyes at her Mothers lack of understanding with technology, even after all these years and multiple phone upgrades she still used her phone like it was 1983 and plugged into a wall.

"Everything ok sweetie, you don't sound too good?" Her mother continued, breaking the silence between them.

"Yes Mom, I'm fine. I haven't had much sleep and have a bit of a headache." Kat sat up and rested against the headboard.

"I did warn you not to overdo it, Kat." Her mom instantly responded. "You're not 18 anymore."

"Jesus Christ," Kat muttered quietly to herself before snapping. "Yeah, thanks, Mom."

"I'm only saying Kathleen, you still need to look after yourself." Her mom's voice was now soft and cautious.

"Sorry, Mom. I'm just tired. Is everything ok, did you want something?" Kat rubbed her temples as she rested the phone between her neck and her shoulder.

"No sweetheart, I just wanted to check-in and make sure you were ok after last night." There was a hint of disappointment in her voice as her words slowed.

Kat bolted upright. "What do you mean after last night?" The words scrambled out of her mouth at rapid pace.

"I saw Gills pictures on Facebook, the BBQ looked like a fun time." Her Mother paused briefly. "You looked so happy Kat, it was lovely to see that smile back so brightly."

Kat couldn't speak as her heart pounded against her chest.

"Kat, are you still there?" Her Mom whispered. "Kat... what's the matter, what's going on?"

"Mom" Kat whispered through short struggled breaths.

"Kat." Her mom's voice echoed with panic.

"Mom, the guy you asked me about the other day." Kat paused trying desperately to keep herself composed and in control of her emotions.

"Kat is everything ok sweetie, I'm worried?" Her mom's words raced through the phone.

"I like him, Mom." Kat finally blurted out "I like him and my heads all messed up about it."

"Oh!" Her mom purred. "Why are you having trouble with this Kathleen?"

"I'm scared mom, he's the first person I've liked since David and the first person I've felt this giddy about since Nick Carter when I was 12 years old. I'm scared and a little embarrassed that I'm allowing myself to get carried away with it." Salty tears began to trickle down her cheek as she spoke.

There was a gentle sigh through the phone. "Kathleen... it's ok sweetie." Her mom paused for a split second. "It's understandable that you would be apprehensive and cautious after what you've been through, and I'm sure your friends have given you a whole heap of advice about this, but as your mother, I'm telling you to follow how you feel, and I don't mean how you think you should feel, but how you truly feel, in your heart. Follow whatever your gut is telling you, Kathleen." She paused again. "Sweetheart I've known people together for 30 years be just as in love as those together for 3 months, and also those in long relationships find out it's not for them just like those who realise after a week. What I'm saying is that time means nothing when it comes to love. Everyone you meet is a blessing or a lesson and you can't control that, so don't waste your energy or time trying to do so."

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