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"Are you sure you don't want us to help you set this stuff up?" Tyler asked as he placed the last box of decorations on the kitchen floor.

"Nah we'll be fine." Debbie smiled as she received another bag of alcohol from Chad.

"Besides, you guys have hosted enough this week, this is our thank you for that, and for making this holiday even more memorable." Rachel began examining the contents of the box and what she had to work with.

"It'll also keep us well out of Joyce's way once she gets back from shopping." Natalia chuckled softly as she lent up the counter and watched Rachel separating strings of football bunting.

"I guess we'll spend the rest of the day playing Fifa then." Matt looked out to the heavy grey clouds that were showing no sign of letting up from the hammering rain.

"It should clear up later this afternoon." Debbie moved to stand next to him. "I've been on weather watch and it says this evening will be quite pleasant."

Matt nodded his head in agreement. "Aye, I hope so, there's nothing worse than soggy nachos." He cocked an eyebrow to Debbie who smiled politely. "Right come on then lads let's get out of their way."

"If you need anything just pop over and get us ok?" Jack smiled widely, gently squeezing Debbie's elbow as he passed.

"Will do, thanks." Debbie smiled back gratefully. "I'll see you out." She followed them to the door leaving Rachel and Natalia holding up various banners and party props as they discussed where they would look best.

"Don't forget to give us a shout if you need anything," Matt called back as he followed Harry up the path.

"Will do." Debbie waved them off then noticed Jack had hung back slightly. "You ok?" She eyed him wearingly.

"Yeah, I just wondered how Kat was doing? She didn't seem ok yesterday and I'm a little worried about her."

Debbie felt herself stiffen slightly at his question, however, it didn't last long as he continued to talk.

"I know we've all only known each other for a minute in time, but she seems like a really great person, but I've been around Damian long enough now to see how things like this play out."

"Things like what?" Debbie pounced on his statement.

He took a half step back and raised his palms to face Debbie. "I don't mean anything funny by this Debbie, honestly, but as I said I've been his friend for a long time and I see how it is difficult for people to not fall for his charm. He's a great guy please don't get me wrong, he's my best friend he really is, but the face, the charm, the job, it's all just a recipe for disaster when it comes to women." Jack laughed invitingly as to encourage Debbie's understanding.

"Yeah, I can imagine," Debbie responded as he expected. "It must be tough for him."

Jack laughed a little softly this time. "Oh, it really is. I think a lot of women get swept up in the idea of him, but he would love to find a real person with who he wasn't second-guessing thoughts or motives all the time."

"Kat is not using him, she's absolutely not like that. She..."

Jack quickly interrupted Debbie's sharp defence of Kat. "Oh no, you misunderstood. I'm not saying Kat is like that at all. In fact, I think she's perfect for Damian, we all do and that's why it's so sad that he had to go like he did and they never got to make any further plans. I guess it's just not meant to be for them."

"Have you spoken to him?" Debbie sighed as Jack shook his head in response. "Oh, I thought he called your phone? His phone? Oh, I don't know what Kat said the situation was with that."

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