"Like it was part of the movie?" She asked. 


"Ok, and? That's his job yeah?" Callie said into the phone. 

"Well yeah. It was just weird," Fiona knew how it sounded. 

"Yeah I'm sure that is weird, but I'm sure it's weirder being told to make out with someone in front of a bunch of people," Callie reasoned. "How intense was it? Like, did clothes come off?"

"Oh no! Thank God!" Fiona shouted.

"So what's your issue?" Callie asked. 

"It was just a little more intense than I thought it would be. I don't know," she attempted to explain but everything she thought to say made her seem even more stupid. "I'm overreacting."

"It sounds like you are. You would know that a romantic comedy would have some form of kissing or even sex. So be happy you just saw a make out scene," Callie pointed out. Fiona didn't know if there was a sex scene and now she needed to know. 

"Yeah, I guess," she entered into the warm trailer. "He told me to stay in the trailer and I should have listened."

"That sounds like it would have been a good idea. Maybe do that in the future. Don't go to see something that will make you upset."

"Fine! You're completely logical and I dislike it," Fiona laughed. "No, I don't. Thank you for pointing out my stupidity."

"Anytime," Callie said. 

Fiona knew her sister was right and that she would probably feel better once she had Tom alone later that night. It had been a while since they were intimate and she knew that was partly to blame for both of their jealousy. 

Fiona lounged on the longer couch and pulled Tom's iPad from his backpack. She scrolled through her Facebook absent-mindedly, most of her feed was filled with old friends from high school that she hadn't talked to in easily 5 years. 

Feeling slightly forgotten, Fiona was about to post for the first time in months. She went to add a photo of her and Tom and remembered she was on Tom's iPad so it probably didn't have any photos of them on it. When the screen loaded she saw the most recent photos saved were of engagement rings. Fiona's eyes widened at her discovery, her heart beat faster. She exited and logged out of her Facebook and put the tablet back in his bag. She didn't want him to know she had seen it.

She sent a text to Callie.

FIONA 4:52PM: So I just stumbled on photos of engagement rings…….. …….

Callie called her less than a minute later. 

"You call me to talk about something stupid, but text me for that, what the fuck?" Callie shouted into the phone. 

"I don't know when Tom's coming back, I don't want him to hear me," she laughed. 

"So even more reason to not let today bother you," Callie pointed out. 

"Yeah you're right," Fiona ran her fingers through her hair. "If they were for me."

"Oh my God, shut up. Of course they were for you," Callie hollered. "You're crazy."

"I know, I know," Fiona laughed and rolled over onto her stomach, her feet danced in the air.

"Send me the pictures, I want to see," Callie begged. 

"I don't have them," Fiona said. "They were on his iPad and once I saw them I exited out and turned it off."

"Well then tell me what they looked like," Callie pressed. 

Unscripted Love • A Tom Hardy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now