Chapter 74

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"I'm probably too late, but I love you," she finally admitted to Tom. Her voice broke as the tears intensified. "I want to be with you. I need to be with you."

Tom stepped out the door and pulled her into a tight embrace. Fiona cried into his red shirt, his hands needingly stroked her hair. She sobbed against his chest.

"Shh, shh," his lips were pressed to the top of her head. He held his eyes wide trying to stop the well of tears from overflowing.

"I'm such an idiot," she held onto his shirt not wanting him to pull away from her. "I'm too late and now you've moved on. I'm so stupid."

"You're not too late, love," Tom squeezed her to him. "What are you on about?"

"I heard laughing," she took a step back. Their eyes met again, making Fiona's mind blank.

"What?" Tom turned to look back into the room, "Oh, I was webcaming with my mum. There isn't anyone else for me, Fiona."

His lips were on top of hers, their bodies instinctively remembering their rhythm. He could taste the salt from the many tears that had flowed across her pink lips. He cradled her head in his hands, as if he needed to maintain a grasp on her to keep from losing her again. He scooped her up under her legs and held her across his body. Fiona wrapped her arms around his neck.

Their two bodies were connected by their lips, dancing together as one. Tom entered the dark bedroom and laid her down gently on the bed. The moon shone brightly through the large round glass window and bounced off her skin. Tom ran his fingers through her long hair, fanning it out on the bed.

His eyes opened and looked her over, "I've missed you."

Fiona smiled. It felt good to feel his body against hers, to see his eyes up close again. His lips were smooth, pillowy, and welcoming. His necklaces fell against her chest, her fingers played with the different chains.

As he kissed her neck, he pulled her shirt down slightly so he could kiss along her clavicle over to her shoulder. His hands pushed her shirt up from her stomach, feeling her familiar soft skin. He gave each small scar along her tummy a soft kiss, as if he could make them disappear with his lips.

She sat up so he could lift the shirt over her head, his fingers trailed along Fiona's arms. She remained sitting up and looked at him expectedly. His hazel eyes studied her browns, he bit his lip uncertain. He reached around her back, sliding his fingers under the band of her bra tentatively. He unclasped it with one hand and peeled it off her.

Seeing her naked body in front of him made Tom nervous, like it was their first time again. His heart thumped in his chest unknowingly mirroring Fiona's. Fiona pulled his shirt off and traced her name over his shoulder.

"Come here," she pulled him to her. He fell on top of her, her nipples grazed his chest as he kissed her hard, needing her lips.

His hands tugged at her shorts pulling them down to her knees. He grabbed at her panty covered bottom, needing to free it from the satin. Sitting back again, he slid the shorts over her smooth legs before giving her panties a swift and needy tug. He laid back on top of her, his tongue collided with hers.

Fiona's hands slid under his boxers and pulled him closer to her. Tom pushed down his shorts and kicked them to the foot of the bed. Fiona's nail dug into his sides, needing him closer, to feel his skin on hers.

"I love you, Fi," he whispered against her ear. He eased himself inside her for her sake, as well as his. It had been a long time, he thought, he didn't want to ruin the moment so soon.

"I love you," Fiona moaned as a few inches entered her. Arching her back as Tom bit at her neck, making her moan more while he continued deeper.

They held each other in their arms as they made love in the dark. It felt like a scene in a movie, the romantic first time sex, which was not the case when they first did it. This time it was tender and gentle, both focused on making each other feel loved.

Unscripted Love • A Tom Hardy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now