Chapter 43

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"So, I have a make out scene after this," Tom said, slowly. 


"Do you think you could wait in my trailer? I just think I'd feel weird," Tom asked. 

"Uh, yeah I can hide while you make out with someone else, sure," she said, her smile crooked. 

"I love you, I just don't want to think of you watching me and feel like I'm cheating on you," he tilted his head sideways. 

"I love you too. This is your job, so I wouldn't think you were cheating on me," she said. "But I understand not wanting me to be there."

"Thanks, love," he kissed her lips softly. 

Fiona wasn't sure why he was thanking her, she never said she wouldn't be there. She made sure to choose her words carefully. She of course wanted to see him in action, she wouldn't let him see her and she wouldn't let it upset her. She knew she couldn't wait a year to see it.

The two headed back to his trailer, where Tom freshened himself up for his make out scene. He wished Fiona had come another week rather than the one where he has a passionate scene with another woman. 

"Love, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you," Tom tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Oh you're damn right you will," she tried to sound angry but when her eyes met his she couldn't keep a straight face. "I love you, don't worry about me."

Keeping a close eye on where Tom was heading off to, she waited a few minutes before following him. She had tossed on one of his a black fleece hoodies, as a casual disguise. She knew he would be upset if he saw her, but it was a chance she took. If he did see her, then she would really leave the set, she reasoned with herself.

Lingering in the back, Fiona made sure to stay hidden behind equipment until the director said action. They were going over the progression of the scene, through the house. Both Tom and Reese nodded and laughed with each other. Fiona assumed it was just as awkward without a significant other watching. 

"Action!" The director shouted. 

The door pushed open as Tom and Reese made their way into the room, lips already locked. Fiona felt jealousy like she couldn't have imagined. She knew it was stupid. She kept telling herself it's just a movie, it's just a movie, it's just a movie.

Fiona could definitely recall a time or two where they had made out like that. The two of them urgently needing each other. Tom lifted Reese on tables and kissed her neck before falling on top of her on a couch. 

"Awkward?" Chris asked.

"Just a tad," Fiona lied. 

The crew reset the stage and ran through it again. Fiona had to see them forcefully make out again and again. To see Tom's body pressed up against a woman not Fiona made her lightheaded. 

"I think I'm gonna go get some real coffee. Don't tell him I was here. I sort of, but not really, promised I wouldn't be here," she explained, backing out of the room. 

Once outside in the cold Canada air, she took a deep breath. She knew she was being completely unreasonable. Reaching into the fleece pocket, she pulled out her cell phone and called her sister, Callie. 

"Hello?" Callie answered. 

"Hey, are you busy?" Fiona asked, walking straight back to Tom's trailer, not getting coffee.

"No, I just got out of class. I'm walking back to the apartment. What's up?"

"Well, I'm visiting Tom in Canada and I just had to watch him make out with Reese Witherspoon," she said, deflated. 

Unscripted Love • A Tom Hardy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now