Chapter 75

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(I feel like this chapter might
be super raunchy and if
it is upsetting ... sorry! Lol)

Tom woke up to his alarm beeping on the nightstand. He groaned and opened his eyes, reaching out for Fiona. His hand fell flat on the empty sheets. He opened his eyes fully and sat up, trying to replay everything in his head. He was sure she was really there, pretty sure.

"Babe?" He shouted toward the door.

Fiona walked toward the bedroom with two cups of coffee in her hands. The tank top Tom wore last night looked bigger on her than usual. It hung low around the arms, her breasts completely visible when she turned to set the mugs down. But her ass was completely covered by the long shirt, that used to be Tom's favorite part.

"I thought you weren't really here," Tom said sadly as he rolled on his stomach, on her side of the bed. He extended a hand for her.

Fiona smiled and hopped to sit on the bed next to him. It was like everything was back to normal.

"What time do you gotta be on set?" She asked, grabbing her hot coffee. Tom turned and sat up, Fiona handed him the other coffee. He took a big gulp before he answered.

"Uh, the van comes in like an hour, picks us all up," he threw back the coffee again. "God this is good, I can't make coffee for shit."

"What time have you been getting back? Just curious."

"Why don't you come with me? Watch your man in action, I've been a little bit of a nightmare," Tom laughed but he really would have loved her to join him.

"I would love to, but I'm still exhausted from the trip," Fiona looked out the large window at the beautiful beach. She could see herself out on a towel, reading, getting tan. She would have to go back to her hotel though she thought, for her suitcase. "But I'll be here when you get back?"

"I guess that's ok," he teased. He sat forward and kissed her neck before he got out of bed.

"Well, also, I should probably get my stuff from the hotel and move it here? If you want me to," she said hesitantly, just in case he didn't want to rush things.

Tom turned on the shower and stepped back out to the bedroom. "If I want you to? Why do you even have a hotel room anyway? Of course I want you here."

"If you rejected me I would need someplace to stay, you know," she got up from the bed and put her now empty mug on the table. Tom adjusted the water in the shower, waiting for it to warm up. Fiona shouted, "I guess that means I don't need my return ticket for Friday?"

Tom came out of the bathroom with a huge smile, "I'm sorry I'm laughing, but did you really think that I wasn't going to say yes?"

"Well, yeah and after the voice I heard last night, I almost turned around and went home," her cheeks blushed and she looked down at her feet.

"I am chuffed that you didn't," Tom pulled her effortlessly to him, his arm around her small waist. "Take this off."

She pulled his shirt over her head and followed him into the shower. There was more touching than washing but they were able to make it efficient in both aspects.


"Be careful though going back and forth from the hotel. I can go with you later if you don't need anything right away," Tom rummaged through his bag and grabbed his spare room key to give to Fiona. He then made sure he had the essentials for the day.

"I can probably wait for you. I may just go back to sleep actually," Fiona took the metal key and tossed it on the kitchen table. She ran her fingers through her wet hair. Tom's phone buzzed, he pulled it from the front pocket of his blue jeans.

Unscripted Love • A Tom Hardy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now