"Table or living room?" He looked between the living room and the dining room, was had a large mirror that viewed my front yard clearly.

"Let's be fancy tonight and eat at the table," he suggested.

"I'm so fancy, you already know!" I sang softly and we laughed even more. It was nice to be able to just talk and laugh with someone, instead of being lonely, self conscious, or on edge the whole time.

I liked it. Really truly did.

We talked and laughed as we ate dinner, soon even forgetting our paper platters of food at certain points and just chatting. We played silly word games and asked each other random questions.

"Who are you closest with in the group?" I asked. He thought for a second.

"Probably Louis," I nodded and bit my lip. He noticed my change in mood, quickly swallowing his food, obviously worried he did something wrong. "What's wrong love?"

"Nothing, nothing I," I waved it off. "I was just wondering. Can you please tell me what happened between you and Louis?" He pressed his lips into a thin line and sighed, setting down his fork.

"I knew you were going to ask again sooner or later. Might as well say it," he giggled awkwardly. "As you know, I'm bi. And Louis is, er, gay. We fooled around for a bit, nothing too serious. I introduced him to my friend Eleanor and they hit it off quite well, actually.

"So he experimented. Didn't tell her he was gay, and they went a little too far one day. The thing is, he enjoyed it. So he kept messing around with El, and soon figured out he was bi as well. They made it official, so we had to stop.

"Which, I'm completely okay with, honestly. I'm happy for him. I mean, I've just got my eyes on another special someone to me," he whispered, biting his lip. The corner of his mouth pulled up and you could see his dimples popping out.


"Yeah. So, that's the real story behind Larry," he let out a laugh and I smiled. Oddly enough, I was bothered knowing he was with Louis at some point. Not because I'm a homophobe or anything, oh no. Just that... protective, defensive bothersome feeling.

You know?

"Well," I gulped. I stood up and grabbed out plates, going to toss them into the trash can and re-entering the dining room. "Um. I don't know what to say," I admitted sheepishly. He got up as well and walked over to me by the window.

"Then don't say anything at all," he spoke softly. I heard a soft patter behind me, then a loud crash of thunder, signaling it started raining. The loud noise caused me to jump, ending up closer to Harry.

My hands were placed on his chest, and he wrapped his own around my wrist. I swallowed nervously and slowly backed up, bumping into the large glass window behind me. My eyes darted around to look at everything but him and he noticed my discomfort, taking a step back.

"If you want me to stop, I'll stop," he reasoned calmly.

"N-no, don't," I said in a pathetic voice that almost sounded like a whimper. He smirked discretely and stepped towards me again, placing his hands gently on my waist.

"Don't what?" he inquired cockily. I rolled my eyes and bit my lip.

"You know what." His smirk grew, but it had an underlying sadness; very self conscious.

"Actually, I don't think I do." He hung his head down a little so he was eye level with me and I frowned, brushing some hair out of his face. I realized he truly didn't know how I felt for him, and that made me feel giddy yet sad at the same time.

"Don't stop what you're doing," I whispered. He slowly smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist, fingertips lifting up my shirt slightly and brushing against my back. I gasped when I felt how warm they were against my cold back.

"Stop?" he asked me, again genuinely worried he did something wrong. I shook my head quickly.

"No, this is fine," I looked up at him, noticing our proximity. He leaned his forehead against mine and I gushed in the inside, completely in love with our position.

I thought back to the times Zayn and I had together like this, reminiscent for a moment. I realize I'm not over him yet, but it's definitely time for a change. He brought one hand up to my neck at looked me in the eyes, as if asking for permission.

"Just do it."

-No One's POV-

The man stood outside the girls' window whom he realized he's still in love with not too long ago. It started with the chaste kiss that wasn't even supposed to happen. And he knew that.

But as he watched the girl kiss another man, his best friend, he realized she didn't feel the same way.

The fact that he happened to decide to go over at that exact moment the girl and guy kissed had to be the universe's sign. The sign from the universe that clearly shouted "She doesn't want you anymore, Zayn! You missed your chance! Now you get to wallow in self pity, marrying a woman you don't truly love as the one you do watches- with the one she loves!"

Now maybe she didn't love the other man, Harry, as he does her at the moment. But Zayn knew well that she would grow to. He was given his last chance, the one opportunity he had to win Alissa back.

And he missed it.

So he stood in her front yard as the British rain poured down upon him. He was going to use it as an excuse to let him in. Then as he left, he was going to pull her outside and kiss her in the rain, something romantic he thought she'd like.

But that's not how it went.

Instead he stood in the cold rain, watching her kiss Harry as they kept warm inside. He realized he just wasn't good enough for her; never was, never will be. And he had to live with that. Knowing that finally, after those years of torture, she had moved on.

But he didn't.

And he won't.




omg guys. this is why it took so long. such a long chapter, #yay. do you ship Halissa? comment! i always love your comments. comment goal: 5+ & vote goal: 480+ votes. i hope you guys liked this. i feel very confident i this chapter. heh. ily guys for 6.5k reads & 470+ votes omg. (: x.

qotc: do you guys like Halissa or Zalissa better?

aotc: i ship Zalissa all the way but them feels doe from Halissa omG

p.s. please go read the part titled 'please read' & comment bc i love your feedback <3


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