Chapter 5: The dusty dance studio

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Maimi and Saki were sitting on a bench outside during lunch, they were waiting for Chisato, Mai and Airi. Saki was wrapped with a big scarf.

"that does look warm" Maimi said.

"yea, I recently brought it cause I heard it would be snowing soon" Saki then said. Maimi then started rubbing her hands.

"where are they? its freezing." Maimi then said.

"Hey nice scarf! loser!" Another student said walking past them. Saki looked at the ground quickly.

"Hey!" Maimi was about to say before Saki muttered.

"Just leave it"

"Just ignore them okay?" Maimi then said "it looks wonderful on you"

"Thanks..." Saki then said, forming a smile.

"Looks like the bullying hasn't stopped since middle school?" Maimi said, concerned and moving towards Saki.

"It's not as big of a deal now, it's just a small group" Saki said quietly.

"Well do you want to talk about it?" Maimi then said, putting her hand on Saki's "I am here for you, we all are"

"Maybe later..." Saki muttered before Mai's voice shouted to them.

"Maimiiiiiii!" She was followed by Chisato and Airi.

"hey!" Maimi and Saki replied with, as Saki stood up happily.

"So, are we gonna go check the dance studio now! I hope its not too bad!" Airi said quickly.

"Yea!, I have the key here" Saki said, before digging out a key from her blazer.

"ah, let's go!" Mai then said with joy.

"Where is it?" Chisato asked, with a confused look "I've never actually asked about it"

"ummmm" Maimi said, putting her finger on her chin "Its down the stairs by the P.E storeroom"

"No wonder it's hardly used!" Mai exclaimed.

"yea, it's in such a remote location!" Airi then added.

"hmmmm, Down some stairs, in such a remote location" Chisato said "its kinda surreal"

"It's the only thing down that level of the school, well apart from the basement maybe" Saki said. "anyway, let's go!" She then smiled. They followed Saki to the P.E storeroom and moved towards a set of stairs going down next to it, there were bushes around the stairs, which all succumbed to the cold weather as maimi went down first.

"It should be down here" She said, as the rest followed. when they got down they came across a small courtyard area, with bushes on one side and a fence which covers the street outside and a small building.

"ah!" Chisato said "This is interesting!" with a amazed expression.

"so this must be it" Saki said moving towards the building, she then stuck the key into the keyhole and opened it. They then walked in, it was pitch black and Mai fell as she hit something.

"Are you okay!!?" Maimi asked

"Yea! I'm fine!" Mai replied before coughing loudly, Chisato then pressed the light switch, revealing a dance studio, all of the girls were coughing wildly at this point.

"Crap, its-s*cough* dusty in here" Airi said, exploring the studio. Maimi opened the blinds as Saki rubbed a huge amount of dust off of the mirror. There were also loads of scattered leaflets lying about. Saki picked one up, before reading it.

"The Chou dance club" she read "come and join now!"

"Ah, so someone tried to make a dance club before this" Mai said, scanning the leaflets on the floor.

"Doesn't look like they did quite an amazing job" Chisato said, wiping more dust off the only table there, then at that moment, Mai screamed loudly.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" She then grabbed onto Chisato as tightly as she could and planted her head into her shoulder.

"Whats wrong?!" Maimi asked worried.

"There i-i-i-i-i-s a-a-a w-asps n-e-e-st in the-e corner-r-r-r" Mai's muffled voice said. They then looked in the corner to see a decent sized wasps nest, at the sight of it saki flinched and grabbed onto Maimi. Airi ran towards the door, and stood in the doorway.

"ah, that's a problem" Maimi said looking at the nest with a worried look.

"Ah, scary!" Chisato then said before patting Mai on the head as the sound of muffled tears emerged.

"what will we do about it?" Airi said, biting her nails at the door way.

"well, I guess we have to go talk to a teacher about it" Maimi said.

"Ugh!" Saki moaned "We have to wait more time, I was so excited for this and planned this for so long and we have to wait more!" She said, with a sad face.

"Ummm, guys, hate to break your moment, but its snowing" Airi then interrupted, looking outside the door.

"whaaaat!" Mai exclaimed, breaking from Chisato and running to the door, she the stared at the snow falling with tears still down her face. Saki then ran out.

"It's snowing"! she exclaimed as she spun around.

"Aren't you going to act all excited?" Maimi said to Chisato, with a smile.

"I'm trying to be more mature" Chisato said, with a stern face.

"Really?" Maimi asked with a confused look.

"Oh hell no" Chisato replied, before running into the falling snow, jumping up and down. Maimi then joined her. After a few minutes of joyfully prancing around the snow, Maimi then said.

"Okay, should we go and tell the head teacher about the waps nest, you know, before lessons start?" Maimi suggested. The girls agreed as Saki locked the door to the dance studio and they went back up as the snow continued to fall.

"Oh, so there is a wasps nest?" The head teacher said, before sipping from her mug.

"yea, we just discovered it today" Maimi said, standing in front of her desk.

"I will hire an exterminator on that as soon as I can" She replied.

"Thank you so much!" Maimi exclaimed, before bowing her head down. "I'll be going now" She then went to walk out.

"Wait!" The head teacher then said.

"Huh" Maimi went.

"Could you tell Okai to stop causing trouble, please" She then said.

"I will" Maimi said, before walking out. The other girls were waitng outside, partly covered in snow. "She said she will get an exterminator as soon as she can!" Maimi told them.

"Ah, hopefully soon!" Saki then added.

"Yea!" Airi said "I am interested in using it now, but after that we do have to clean it!"

"Also, Chissaa, She also said to tell you to stop making trouble, although I doubt you'll try" Maimi then said, before smiling.

"I will try my best, but no promises" Chisato then replied with, smirking.

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