Chapter 2: A troublesome bunch

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Maimi sat down at the lunch table, placing her lunch down and looking around "didn't Chisato say she would be here today" she said to Airi, who was infront of her, but she didn't hear, because she was half asleep. "Oi, Airi!" she said loudly snapping her fingers, trying to hide a smile.

"oh.." Airi opened her eyes "Eh!? sorry, sorry, sorry" she said quickly smiling "I just had a late night"

"anyway, I asked, didn't Chisato say she would be here today?" Maimi asked again.

"She was, but then Nacky and Mai came and said something about a idea, and something about it being hilarious" Airi replied, tapping on the table slowly.

"oh, they are off to cause trouble again" Maimi said, sighing, the three of them always got up to no good, it was much worse when they first met, back in middle school. Chisato and Mai got detentions everyday, Saki never did, they never suspected her. They stopped it slightly now, but every once and a while, they still needed a little fun. "I wonder what they're up too, pulling a prank on a teacher, setting traps, placing perfect, fake love letters in everyone's locker" Maimi asked

"Actually they did that last one last valentines day, remember?. Momoko freaked out because she apparently got one from Yurina, ah they were both so embarrassed" Airi said chuckling

"Ah, yes I remember" Maimi said laughing.

"Hey Nacky" Chisato said as they stood by the window on the stairs "did you set the trap up"

"yep!" she replied "Mai should be near there waiting" she then got a text from Mai saying 'The teacher is walking towards the door'

"ah, its time!" Chisato said, smirking "This may be a old one, but its still gonna be funny"

Mai was behind a wall, near the classroom the teacher was going in, she then pulled a thin piece of string that they knew the teacher wasn't going to notice, He the opened the door, walked in and


A large bucket of water fell down and soaked him, he screamed angrily and Mai pulling the string, opened his desk in the class, and caused hundreds of marbles to fall out, he tripped on them, screaming even louder. He then stood up and shouted "This is a damn Highschool! who the hell thought this would be funny!" Mai then started running, but fell and tripped. Crap, Mai thought, what if he sees her, but it was too late, he already did "Get over here you!" He shouted at her "you did this, didn't you!"

"what happened?" Saki said, biting her nails.

"I don't know, but Mai didn't send the normal thumbs up text" Chisato said, worried, checking her phone wildly "Shit...she must of been caught" Chisato then ran as fast as she could down the stairs.

"wait Chissaa!" Saki said, following after her. When they Chisato reached them, The teacher was shouting at her, as Mai was getting up.

"WAIT!" Chisato shouted "IT WAS ME!"

"huh, what" The teacher said confused

"I was the one who set the traps, I did everything, I am the one you should punish" Chisato said slowly, breathing heavily.

"but Chi-" Mai started, but she decided to stay quiet as Chisato mouthed 'no' to her.

"Ah, of course, who else would it be I say" the teacher said, water still dripping from his clothes "come with me" he said as he pulled her by her sleeve, Chisato only staring at the floor quietly.

"Chisato.." Mai said, tears filling her eyes, it was only when the teacher was out of sight, was when Saki decided to appear from behind the wall.

"I didn't think she would do that" Saki slowly said, shaking. Mai then threw herself at Saki, crying her eyes out.

"Nacky...why am I crying, we have been doing this for it the way she took all the blame" Mai said through her tears "she must of done..... it before or......something"

"chisato got caught!" Maimi exclaimed in disbelief "But she never gets caught ever since she started highschool! I swear she wasnt even the one who set it all up!"

"I know..." Saki said, moving her hands nervously. It was just before their last lesson of the day, Chisato was still no where to be seen, Saki  went to Maimi's desk to tell her what happened, while Mai was sitting at her desk alone, looking through the window. Airi was there also, interested in what happened also.

"Well, it was Chisato's decision, but no matter, its not that big a deal." Airi said, leaning on the desk next to Maimi's. "its probably just gonna be a few detentions, thats all"

"yea but..." Saki started "that teacher looked so angry, maybe we shouldn't of chosen the most scary looking one..." Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, she then suggested "What is she gets expelled!...especially after that vending machine incident a few days ago!" she then put her hands on her head in worry "and it would be our faults! they obviously deal stuff like this very seriously in highschool.." Mai had obviously heard her, since she made a sniffling noise from her desk.

"they wouldn't, its also the first time being caught doing something like this remember" Maimi said, trying to keep a smile. Airi then nodded in agreement.

Saki then said "I hope so..."

After school, as students flooded out of the school, Mai, leaned against the wall next to the gate. Saki, Airi and Maimi passed her.

"you coming" Airi asked

"no, I need to wait for Chissaa, I have to..." Mai replied, looking at the floor.

Saki then waved goodbye to Airi and Maimi as she walked away in the other direction.

"you doing anything tonight" Maimi asked Airi as the walked down the path.

"Nah, not really" she replied "but I still need to do a lot of that homework, so I guess that does count as doing something, I'll probably just get it all done tonight, oh well, its finally the weekend!" she said quickly, throwing her arms in the air, relieved.

"yea!" Maimi said chuckling "you wanna go to hang out on saturday?"

"sure!" Airi replied, now trying to balance herself on a raised part of the path.

"But I do hope Chissaa is okay..." Maimi then said.

As the sun started setting, Mai still waited for Chisato, checking her phone every few seconds also. until Chisato slowly walked out the door, looking at the ground.

"Chissaa!" Mai exclaimed as she turned to face her, face full of suprise, ran towards her.

"ah, you waited for me!" she said, smirking, as Mai jumped at her and hugged her tightly.

"I'm so sorry" Mai said with a sad voice "I didn't mean for it to happen!"

"Mai, its fine" Chisato said smiling as Mai countinued too grip on to her tightly. "I just got a few detentions and I have to do cleaning service after school for two weeks" She said chuckling and scratching the back of her head.

"I can help you do it..." Mai said quietly as she finally let go.

"well, that would take away the point of taking the blame for you, wouldn't it?" She said, laughing.

"ah yea, sorry.." Mai said slowly before laughing as well. They then started walking home as they started along the path.

"Did Nacky over react?" Chisato asked as they walked.

"yea, but she had a good reason to be" Mai said, continuing to smile. "Chisato" Mai started "you really are my best friend"

"Yea, best friend!" Chisato said "you are mine too" they then looked at eachother and started laughing. Chisato then thought, yea best friends, just that.

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