I looked human, I had fair skin, long dark eyelashes and brunette tuffs of hair. My serpentine side seemed to merge with that, I was definitely a serpent by my patches of turquoise blue scales, fangs and doe like crimson eyes. Everyone told me that when I saw them, I touched the Skales's scales and smiled, it was like I knew in instant that I was one of them,

The General and Skales immediately came to an agreement that they should bring me in as one of their own, seeing as I was just a baby and it was clear that no one was coming for me. Skales decided that he should be the one who took care of me, I bonded with him the moment he saw me. No one objected to it because they actually felt disgusted and angry at the humans, for abandoning a child who had no control over the matter and not taking responsibility for it.

Skales treated me like I was his own daughter and he was like a father to me. My tribe, on the other hand, were cautious of me. They didn't see me as one of them at times, hence the no friends part. It was never said out loud but I could see it in their eyes, so I ended up training and pushing myself harder then everyone else. I ended up being the best warrior in our tribe, everyone now respected me as a warrior and I was proud of what I had accomplished.

At the end of the day, I always said to myself

"I'm Serpentine and I will be one."

I cleaned myself up quickly before anyone walked in on me, I couldn't risk my reputation on something like a nightmare. My room had a large drip of water running down the wall, I'd washed my face off with that. The water was quite refreshing and it knocked some sense into me, I looked at my reflection in the crystal wall. I had strands of hair in my face and my scales glistening from my sweat.

"It was all just a nightmare, a really realistic nightmare." I muttered to myself as pushed a few strands of hair, out of my face. I paused for a moment before giving myself a pinch on the shoulder, just in case. I just wanted today be a normal day, in reality, my whole world was about to be turned upside down.

Pushing the dream to the back of my mind was far from easy, I changed quickly and tried to think of something else.. All I had to was act like nothing happened and I'd be absolutely fine, it was simple thing to do, I had grown exceptional good at masking my emotions from people.

when I got to the centre of the cave, I looked up to see everyone gathered in the centre, was there something that I forgot. They seemed pretty preoccupied with something, I could hear them all whispering to each other, did someone challenge the General or something.

They all saw me out the corner of their eye and parted, letting me past through. I held a poker face as I walked past them all, what can I say I'm one of best warriors in my tribe in a way it had it's perks. The thing that had caught every Hypnobrai's attention came into view, I stopped a few feet away as my eyes widen in shock. The General was standing in the centre of it all and in front of him, a human, a literally human.

I looked at the human up and down, it was the scrawny little thing that I'd ever seen in my life. The General hadn't hypnotised him yet which is the first he most likely to do "The General is following the boy's orders." I glanced to my right, Skales, my father, standing next to me with a disgusted look on his face. I nodded and stayed silent, examining the human with interest. Turns out humans aren't as dumb as they look, the boy's gaze went to me and he spoke out the words that I definitely saw coming "Jeez, I didn't know that Serpentine kids were that weird looking."

There goes my father's tolerance for humans and any doubt in my mind that humans aren't the worst beings on the face of the world.

Skales immediately snapped "Don't you dare say that to my daughter, you little brat." He was about to struggle this kid and bury him under a block of ice, My Dad can be a little overprotective of me and I can say I have had my fair share of similar comments over the years. The boy sort of realised the gravity of what he said and stepped behind the General, he glared at Skales or a dead moment. I could tell that something was off from the way he was acting, I mean there was no way that this kid had survived and not be killed at the hands of a Hypnobrai General. I made eye contact with the General for a brief moment, there was something giving it off in his eyes.

I placed my hand on Skales and muttered "Dad, Something's off, I don't think we should push our luck." I only call him Dad when I need to be serious, He hesitated for a moment, glaring at the trembling human standing behind the General. he then understood what was going and stepped back, the General paused for a moment before turning to the human. I breathed a sigh of relief Skales whispered to me "Find out what's going on but don't raise suspicion."

I nod to him and whispered back " Couldn't think of a better way to spend my time." Skales rolled his eyes at me The General coughed, interrupting us, before announcing to the tribe "Today, we have been free from our prison that the elemental masters placed us in, now we shall seek our revenge."

Revenge, it sounded like a lost cause until now, I looked around at Hypnobrai cheering for the taste of victory that was long overdue. I wanted to feel some sort of satisfaction from the fact I was getting my revenge but instead there was a weird feeling in the bottom of my stomach. I brushed it off as nerves, that was it probably what it is. I snuck away from crowd without anyone noticing, since no one was watching, I broke off into a sprint towards the tomb entrance.

The entrance was wide open, I halted for a moment, this was my first step out into the world. I hesitated for a moment before slowly setting my foot into the snow. I then stepped out into the sunlight and now feeling it's warmth.

Today was the day that I thought was going to turn my life around. The reality of it all was going to be a roller coaster from here on out and there was no turning back from it.


The Serpentine Ninja, Worlds Collide Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt