Chapter 3

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"It's through the clearing and over the next hill." Wrolf ran up ahead of us, and I assumed he knew where she needed to go as well.


"We're not far now." She ran a bit further ahead, and I looked around, another weird feeling taking over me. Before I knew it, one of my father's men had me in his hold, keeping my mouth covered and pulling me out of her sight.

"Wrolf? Robin?" I was breathing hard under his hand, wishing I could call out but knowing they'd kill her if I did. I could feel the cold metal of his dagger at my neck when I heard her call for me again. "Robin?"

She must've heard Wrolf because she started calling for him, and I could hear her voice travel further away.

"Wrolf." They have the dog...but where's Maria? They dragged me towards my father and held me against a tree.

"Oh, this is pretty."

"Father let me explain."

"Is it not enough for one member of my family to betray me? Now I find that her brother is a traitor, too. I will take care of this princess myself, once and for all." I could feel a lump in my throat, and my eyes starting to water. The man was terrifying, and Maria could be right. If she dies the whole valley dies with her.

Something in me snapped. My sister was right to leave the family. She needs my help now. Maria needs my help. The men tried to tie me up to the tree, and I struggled to get away from them. "Maria!"

Wrolf wouldn't stop barking, and I kept fighting to get away. One of the men grabbed a fistful of my hair and held me against the tree, a dagger against my throat. Wrolf jumped out of the pit trap they had dug for hunting, and They started to run away.

"Come on Wrolf! We have to find Maria!" The dog and I ran, but I heard a gunshot go off, and Maria's scream. Wrolf wasn't anywhere to be found but it was Maria's screams. I had to find Maria. Wrolf could fend for himself, he was the Demon Dog of the forest. I kept running, dagger ready, towards Maria.

I had to save her. I couldn't let her die. Please be alive Maria. By gods, be alive.

Before I knew it, I bumped into a familiar red dress, and she swung around at me.

"You! How could you betray me like that?!" She swung at me, but I grabbed her wrist and tried to bring her closer.

"Robin," My father ordered.

"Maria, wait." I said, hushed. I spun on my heel and brought the dagger up to his neck. "I will not let you take her, Father."

"Put the knife down, boy."

"Father, please. You have to listen to what Maria has to say!"

"Traitor! You are nothing to me now." I pushed off from him and reached for Maria.

"Go!" We both ran away from him, and I paused to let her catch up and so I could sheath my dagger.

"I'll know where to find you again!"

As we ran, my father's men found us and started following, close on our trail.

"Hurry, Maria! They're right behind us!"

"In here," She slipped down underneath the twisted roots, into the hollow of the tree. I slide down behind her. We crawled through the tunnel, through the roots and twigs.

"Robin look at this." She put her hand on a wooden door, and it creaked as she pushed it open. Inside was a dusty, overgrown room.

"Where are they?" She began searching and I helped.

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