Chapter 15

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"ROBIN DE NOIR!" I shot up and rubbed my face. The initial shock of his voice scared me, and his expression was no less terrifying.

"Father, I...I can explain."

"No, you can't, I can see with my own eyes. You're not to be in here."

"She asked me to stay." His expression never wavered. The last time he was this furious, Loveday had run off to marry Benjamin...

"And why would she do that?" I felt her stirring against me and I broke eye contact to check on her. She had stopped shivering sometime in the night, but her skin was still sickly pale. Her fingers reached for me, and I took her hand gently.

"Why else do you think father? She's alone, and scared. I wasn't going to leave her be while she's suffering. I-I thought you approved of her... I thought everything was okay now." I looked back up at him and he shook his head.

That's no excuse for this, Robin. Falling asleep with a girl you're not married to... You're lucky I don't ship you off to find a bride worthy of the de Noir name."


"Just because you're a prince doesn't mean you can go around doing whatever you want. You're only prince of the forest so don't forget your place." He stormed out and I looked back at Maria. It worked...I'm a prince... But she's a princess so, what did he mean? Maria's eyes opened slowly, and it took her a minute to get focused.

"Good morning, Princess. Did you sleep well?" I rested the back of my hand on my forehead, then on hers. She was a bit warmer than me, but thankfully not as warm as last night.

"I thought I was dreaming," she whispered sitting up, "But it seems I did get to steal another night with you." I smirked and rolled my eyes.

"Maria, how are you feeling?"

"Much better. But I still don't understand what happened. And who was shouting?"

"My father. He saw us together in here. Don't worry about him, what do you mean you don't understand?"

"I never went to the amphitheater last night. I was going to the hideout...but I got lost. I don't remember anything until you woke me up last night. What else did your father say?"

"Well...we know the pearl crown works. He called me the prince of the forest. But...he said he would ship me off to find a bride worthy of the de Noir name."

"Am I not?"

"You are, and he's been more than welcoming of you and our relationship, which is why I'm a bit confused..." If I really am a prince, will father even allow me to be with Maria?

"Robin, do you think me being the Moon Princess has anything to do with it?"

"Why should it? You saved the valley, and without you who knows what would become of us." I rubbed a hand through my hair.

CRASH! Glass shattered onto my floor and I jumped up, only to find a familiar face staring at me through my now broken window.

"Hello, Robin."

Of the Forest and Seaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن