Chapter 21

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Christmastime came and went, and Maria and I made our get away from our families again. She gave me a thick winter cloak, and I surprised her with a sword, Loveday's first. Over the course of the next few weeks, Maria spent her free time with me in the forest. She picked up quickly enough, but I knew she could do better.

"Robin, can't we take a break? Or try something different?"

"Okay, we'll take a break for a little bit. Then after I want to try something else with you, you might be better at it than swords." I leaned my sword up against a tree and she followed suit. I took my hat off for a moment and ran my hand through my hair.


"You're late, Brayen."

"Oh please, you know I have trouble way out here."

"Did you bring it?"

"Of course, I wouldn't forget with you reminding me every week." He pulled a bow and arrows from his back and gave them to Maria.

"What's this?"

"Merry Christmas, Maria! I'll be teaching you how to use a bow and arrow."

"It's a little late for Christmas, Brayen, but thank you. Wait...where's yours?" Maria took the bow from him and looked at him curiously.

"It's easier to show you with something like this rather than just be an example you have to try and follow. And our first target will be...Robin!" He pointed at me with a chuckle and Maria nudged him. "Just kidding, we'll aim into empty space first, then maybe a tree or two."

Brayen took a few moments to explain the basics to her, and I watched her listen to him intently. Her eyes met mine a few times while he spoke, and I couldn't help but smile. She was doing really well for someone who wasn't born into it, and I couldn't wait to see how she did with shooting.

"Okay, so stand here, nock your arrow, that's it. Now, I find it helpful to inhale while I pull back and breathe out when I release. When you pull back, use all the strength you can, and hold it by your lips, right about here," Brayen helped her pull it back, and guided her fingers to her cheek.

"Now, breathe out, and let go." The arrow zoomed through the air and, surprisingly, hit a tree. Maria's excited response was cute, and she ran over to me, and I stood up.

"Robin, did you see that? I hit a tree! I actually hit something!"

"I know, I watched. I think Brayen will have to show you more with archery. The next lesson is aiming, right?" I looked at him and we both chuckled, Maria not hesitating to punch my arm. I pulled her in for a quick hug.

"I'm kidding! You did really well, and I'm proud of you. You picked up on this faster than fighting, that's for sure." Maria smiled up at me and tugged on my cloak to pull me closer to her. It was cold, but holding her close made me forget about it for a moment. Her cheeks were red, and I could see her breathe in the frigid air. I suppose starting right after Christmas wasn't the best idea.

"What were you trying to teach her, Robin?"

"Swords, and she's good, but much better with this."

"Well, of course she's better at this. You're not teaching her," Brayen said. Maria didn't waste a moment turning and punching his arm, too. I held her back before she could inflict any more damage to him while he rubbed his arm.

"She's got a good arm, you should teach her how to fight for real."

"I could never fight, Robin, he'd beat me every time."

"He would not win. All you'd have to do is touch him and he'd let you have it." He chuckled as he spoke, Maria also letting out a giggle.

"Hey, that's not true!"

"Oh please, Robin. Brayen's right, you'd cave." Maria ran her fingers from my stomach up to my collarbone, leaving me breathless, even over my clothes. "See? You'd cave."

"I'd do a lot more than cave, if you asked me to." I kissed her cold fingers and Brayen started gagging behind us.

"Alright, alright! Everyone knows you two are in love, do you have to be all over each other all the time?" He said, chuckling.

"Oh I'm sure I could be a lot worse, don't you think so, Maria?" I gripped her waist beneath her cloak and pulled her in, letting me other hand slip behind her neck quickly and tangle itself in her hair. I could hear Brayen yelling at us, but my focus was on her lips, so warm compared to her fingers.

When I finally pulled away Brayen went quiet. "Nothing to say anymore?"

"You two are gross."

Brayen, you're young. You'll understand when you fall in love," Maria hugged my side and styed close to me.

"I'm older than you are, Maria. And besides, I'm not falling in love. No way. Let's just keep going with my lessons. Please?"

"Oh, alright. Fine. But Robin has to take me home before nightfall, or Uncle may not let me out again until springtime." 

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