Chapter 13

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We walked back to the castle, worried for what we might find. Maria had wished me to be a prince, and I wasn't sure how that was going to end up.

"Are you able to unwish something? Just in case?"

"I don't know, but if this doesn't go well, I'll try." I pushed open the gate, holding her hand tightly. As we walked up the path into the castle, nothing felt different, but then again no one else was even around.

As soon as we walked into the castle, I could hear the dinner party had begun, but I had no intention of joining. Maria and I walked to my room, and I shut the door behind her. She slipped off her cloak and laid it on a chair. I felt myself smiling at her.

"Nothing seemed off, did it, Robin?"

"No. Everyone was just starting dinner." She walked back over to me and put her hands on my chest. "Thank you, by the way. For our dinner."

"I'm just glad I got you out of here for a little while." I slid my hands around her waist and smiled.

"Well, you almost didn't. I could have stayed up here for another century if that's what it took to avoid a guard." I kissed her forehead and she leaned into me more. I wish we could find Dulac... I'm sorry for losing him, Maria.



"Did you just make a wish?" I opened my eyes and saw a brighter glow from the pearls. "What did you wish for?"

"That we could find him... I didn't think it would actually do anything."

"Now you're a prince, and we have to worry about Dulac again?" I laughed and shook my head.

"I'm no prince. We both know that."

"I wished it, so you must be."

"But what about Dulac? He's not just going to turn himself in. Not knowing that he is risking his own life." She stared up at me for a moment.

"I could make another wish."

"No magic. Please, we already had to go through so much with the first pearls. Can you imagine what will happen if someone finds out about the crown? I just want you now, Maria. As long as we can keep this magic hidden for as long as possible, there's a better chance we can have a much more normal life."

"Do you want a normal life with me? I mean, I'm the moon princess. It's going to be difficult to have any kind of normal life no matter what."

"I know, I just meant...without the curses and the feuds. Everyone is happy, and I don't want anyone to ruin that." I took a deep breath and shook my head, "If we can keep the magic hidden for as long as possible, then maybe we can keep peace in the valley."

"Do you think that Dulac will show up?"

"What power does he have against the Moon Pearls? He has to, at least somewhere that we could find him easily." I could feel my stomach turning, the thought of Dulac coming back was not a pleasant one. What would even happen if he came back?

"Do you want him to show up?"

"Not exactly. But I'd feel safer if he was in the dungeons. Can we move past Dulac for a bit? You've just...made me forget about him for a little while and I'd like to occupy my mind with better things."

"Like what?"

"Like how I've never seen you look so beautiful. The dress is...perfect for you."

"You really think so? I made it from an old dress...I wanted to try something new without the cage. I'm so happy you like it. Miss Heliotrope nearly fainted when she saw what I was wearing."

"You are your own person, Maria. No one can tell you what to wear or do. Trust me, we all gave up on that at the 5,000th moon."

"Are you still mad at me for that?" I shook my head and tried to figure out how to explain.

"Not exactly. I mean, of course we were all worried about you but...there was something else. It wasn't anger. It shouldn't have been you. That's all. I don't know what I felt."

She sighed and I felt her arms loosen around me. "I know that I messed up by jumping... Uncle still lectures me about it and Loveday..."

"We all love you Maria. And losing you would have killed everyone."

"But the valley would be safe. No one else would have gotten hurt. Dulac wouldn't have hurt you..." Her fingers ran over my side, where one of many new scars formed.

"Back to him, are we?" I pulled away from her and walked over to my window. The sun was setting, and the sky was bright orange. I wanted to focus on anything but him.

"Robin, you can't just ignore it."

"I can and I will. Until he comes back, I don't want to think about him. He's none of my concern and he shouldn't be any of your either."

"Robin..." I heard her voice soften. Oh no...she's gonna cry. I closed my eyes and took a sharp breath. My chest pinched but I ignored it as best I could.

"Maria, please don't be upset. You just don't understand." When I turned around, my door was closing, and I could see the fabric of her dress slip through.

Dammit, Maria... 

Of the Forest and SeaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora