Chapter 39

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I raced back to the castle on Shadow, leaving Benjamin with a note to Maria to meet me at the cliffs. Would he actually give her the note?

Maria, if you can hear me, meet me at the cliffs. I'll see you soon.

By the time I got to the castle, the sun had finished setting, and the breeze had picked up. I raced upstairs, yelling for Brayen, Alain, and Mills.

All three came bursting into my room within minutes, panting from their rush to meet me.

"Robin? What in the bloody hell is going on?"

"It's time."

All three of their faces dropped, and they helped me get ready quickly.

"Where are we meeting you?"

"The cliffs. I have Benjamin's horse still, and I know I have to return him soon. I might have just bolted from him and stole his horse. I don't have much time to do this, so I have to be quick now."

"Come on! You can't just go around stealing people's horses, Robin. You can barely ride as it is!" Alain exclaimed. I rolled my eyes at his teasing, but I knew he was right.

"Just meet me there. I'll see you boys in a little while." I winked, leaving my room and running back to Shadow.

It was much easier to get back onto the saddle this time, and I thought about Benjamin's joking earlier. I really have to learn to ride better.

I took off towards the cliffs, only having a few minor scares along the way. I didn't even let him stop completely before I flipped my leg over the other side and slipped off the saddle. As out of breath as I was, I couldn't breathe as I ran inside the amphitheater.

All I could do now was wait. Nothing new to wait. Learn to have some patience at least. You're going to need it.

"Robin?" I stopped pacing and turned around to see her.

"Maria, we need to talk." I stated.

"Yes, I believe we do." She agreed. Gad's teeth this was going to be harder than I thought.

"Your uncle came and spoke to me today. Honestly, the conversation was a mess, and I am not even sure if he knew what he wanted to say. I know that I didn't know what to say, or if I was digging my own grave with the things I did say."

"I know, Robin. He told me," Maria said, her usual reassurance absent from her tone.

"He did... Of course, he did. What am I saying? Maria, I'm going to ask you something, but I need you to know that now, right now, it is completely your decision. Your uncle has no say in this." She nodded and rested her hands behind her back, waiting for me to continue.

I could barely breathe. This was it.

"Maria Merryweather, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" I presented the ring from my pocket and dropped down onto my knee. I held my breath waiting for her answer, or even a reaction. But she stood still.

"Maria?" Before I could stand back up, she finally reacted.

She dropped down in front of me, taking my hands while nodding quickly. "Yes! Yes, yes, yes!"

I slid the ring over her finger gently, and quickly pulled her in to kiss her. She wrapped her arms around my neck, her hands running up through my hair.

I heard a noise from her when I started to pull away for a moment, "Did you just whimper?" I brushed the hair away from her eyes and looked down at her.

"Please don't stop," She begged, pulling me back to her. I smirked against her lips as I kissed her more.

"What took you so long to answer?"

"It all felt like a dream. I couldn't believe it was actually happening. Uncle only told me about how insistent you were. He didn't give me any answer, and I wasn't even sure if he gave you one. You have no idea how long I have waited to say yes," she said, smiling.

"I have one more question for you, princess."

"And what would that be?"

"When do I get the honor of calling you my wife?"

"Right now if we could," She murmured, leaning into him once more.

Maria wouldn't let me go long enough for a breath and was nearly on top of me by the time we heard more voices coming our way. She let me go quickly and stood to dust off her dress.

"Robin? Did you finally do it yet?"

"Ya, are we allowed to intrude now? Or are you too far-?"

"Yes! You can come see us!" I said, cutting Alain off quickly. Knowing him and the others, something vulgar would slip out of their mouths. I stood up, pulling her close to me and kissing her cheek. I felt like I was on another planet with how happy I was. I couldn't take my eyes from her as she went to greet the boys.

"At some point, Robin, you're gonna have to quit staring at her like she's a meal and come join us," Mills said, pulling me out of whatever trance she had put me under. I smirked and walked over to them, my eyes only wanting to look at her.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, pulling me back to reality. Maria's eyes widened as she stared at the presence behind me, and I turned to see her uncle standing with us. The boys had gotten quiet, and he only smiled at us all.

"Benjamin, I didn't expect you here," I said, stepping away from his grasp.

"I wouldn't have missed this celebration, although, I'm sure a celebration back at the manor will be more appropriate, don't you think, Maria?"

"Yes, Uncle." Maria stepped away from the boys and squeezed my hand as she passed me.

"Please, you all are welcome to join us at the manor. I'm sure Loveday will be pleased to see you boys again, and your father is already waiting for us to return, Robin." My father already knows?

"Uncle, do you think, considering the circumstances, I could stay with Robin?" Benjamin nodded once, and she swiftly came back to me, leaning up against my side.

"To the manor then?" Benjamin asked, gesturing to the exit.

"Only if there's drinks," Brayen joked.

"Believe me, boys, there's enough alcohol to keep you drunk for a week, at least." If Benjamin's eyes could have rolled back to his brain, I'm sure they would have.

"We'll meet you there, sir," I said, leading her to the tunnel towards the hideout. I could hear Benjamin start to call for us, but his silence was confirmation that he had given up.

My back hit the wall as I pulled her in, holding her waist tightly in my arms. She giggled as I kissed her, and I felt her fingers grasp at my ribs through my shirt.

"If saying yes meant you'd kiss me like this all the time I should have said yes a long time ago," Maria said as I kissed her jawline.

"Had you said yes, I think we would have had to hide from your uncle until now."

"Would that have been so bad?"

"Indeed, it would have been, princess. What would have happened if Willow ended up with a playmate?" I teased, watching her cheeks turn red.

"That couldn't have happened, Robin."

"Oh? Did you forget that I can read your thoughts?" She gasped and whacked my arm, making me laugh.

"You forget that I can read your thoughts, too. I know what you think about when you look at me, and how you think of me when I'm not around." I chuckled and ran a hand through my hair, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Come, princess. Before they think I've decided to take you before you're my wife," I kissed her cheek and pulled her through the tunnels, towards our hideout. 

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