Chapter 29

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How am I supposed to get you out of here?

I don't know but please hurry. I thought about how to get her out. I couldn't take her without Dulac noticing. I couldn't fight him.

Maria, you have to listen to me carefully. I have an idea, and I know you're not going to like it. I need you to jump. I can get down to the beach easy enough, I just need you to swim to shore.

Jump?! You want me to jump off of the cliff again?

There's no other way to get you out.

There has to be a way, there's always another way.

We can jump together if you'd like.

He'll notice you before you can get to me. It won't work.

I took a deep breath and watched Dulac closely. There was another doorway in the amphitheater, and if I could just get Dulac to enter it, I'd have time to get her out.

I grabbed a rock by my feet and tossed it hard. It got close to the other entry, but not close enough. Dulac got curious but brushed it off too quickly. I threw another, then another. Finally, the fourth rock made it into the doorway, and Dulac groaned in frustration.

"Don't move from that spot, ya hear?" Dulac ran up the stairs and disappeared.

Maria, run. I jumped out from the passageway and grabbed her hand. I could feel her hesitate when we reached the cliff, but we both jumped at the same time. I could hear Dulac yell as we dropped below the cliff and into the water.

As soon as my body hit the water, I could feel the cold water consume me. I was able to surface quickly, and it didn't take long for Maria to pop up near me.

"Are you okay? Come on, we need to get to shore." We swam towards the beach, and I could feel the cold start to affect me. My clothes were soaked and heavy, I couldn't imagine what Maria was dealing with in her dress.

"Robin, where are we going to go?" She asked quietly.

"I... I don't know." I watched her shiver, and I couldn't help but shiver myself. We were going to freeze if we didn't get dry soon. "We're going to figure something out."

"Your father thinks I helped Dulac escape, how are we supposed to go to your home? My uncle has probably been freaking out about my disappearance, and he'll never let me out of the manor if we go there."

"So, we don't go to either. We go to the hideout."

"It was destroyed, Robin."

"Right... I'd rather go to the manor than the fortress. If we're going to get put on lockdown, I'd prefer your uncle to my father."

"Fine, but we better hurry. The sun is setting and I'm freezing."

I led her from the beach and took her towards the pathway I used to use when I'd swim here.

"I should have thought that through more, but I know he won't jump after us."

"How do you know that?"

"He can't swim." She stifled a giggle, and I chuckled. "I'm sorry I didn't have another option."

"You saved me, Robin. You always will. But...I still don't understand. How did we communicate? You were in my mind."

"I really don't know. But should I be worried that you're able to read my thoughts?"

"I'm more worried about what you think about now."

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