Author's Note

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Hi guys! 

First off thank you SO much for the continued support on this story.

To be completely honest, I hit a really bad patch mentally and just couldn't continue writing for a while. School is back in session now, and I'm working on getting my degree after changing my major, going back to community college, and I'm still working part-time.

But I promise!!! I will continue to update as much as I can, especially now that my favorite season is beginning soon and I'll have a bit more time between work and school. Over the summer all I did was work so not much time for anything. 

Again, just thank you so much for supporting this story. It really does make me happy to see a fanbase still around for this movie, as well as for something I wrote. 

Although I don't know my readers in person, I love you all. <3

Of the Forest and SeaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora