Chapter 2: New Dorm, New Roommates

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Kalista's P.O.V

"So? Is this is the dorm that Master Llorcan was talking about?" I asked Ivan, as I looked up at the two big doors ornamented with gold and silver accents in front of us.

"Yup. This is the place." Ivan replies.

"And, why does it seem quiet? Don't we have any roommates or such?" I again asked, as I noticed that it seemed like it was quiet at the dorm inside.

Ivan then quite chuckled at what I said, I then was a bit confused why he was snickering. "Huh? Why are you laughing? Did I said something weird?" I again asked.

Ivan then stopped snickering and replied, "You'll see." he says.

Ivan then proceeds to knock at the door. I the had finally realized something at why Ivan did that, "Wait, does that mean that--" "Yes, Kalista. We have roommates." Ivan cutted me off.

So what does mean? The room's soundproof or such???

And after a few moments after Ivan had knocked at the door, someone had respond, "Coming." the voice said, and the voice high-pitched and sweet. So I guess that it's a female's voice?

And a few seconds later, the door of the dorm then suddenly opened wide. And what greeted us was a girl about my age, who had forest green hair tied down in pigtails, and I also noticed that she was a Royalty like Ivan and I. As she had a dark green gem attached to the back of her palms.

"Oh, Ivan. You're back!" The green haired girl squealed, with her gaze at Ivan-- Wait what?! They know each other?!

"Yeah, and are the others there?" Ivan asks the girl with the green hair.

The green haired girl nods, and she then notices me beside Ivan. "Oh, who is she?" she asks.

But before Ivan could respond, a voice then calls her out, "Hey! Eleanor! What is taking you so long? Is there someone at the door?" A voice said, and it was a guy's voice.

The green haired girl, whom I presume to have the name Eleanor, yells back, "It's Ivan! He's back!" she yells.

"You'll soon know. Come on, let's go inside." Says Ivan, the girl then nods and heads inside.

Ivan then turns towards me and gives me a sign to go follow the green haired girl inside. And without asking or telling him a word, I headed inside.


Kaiden's P.O.V

"Please Debbie! Duel with me! It's just one round I promise!" Harvey again is annoying Debbie to duel with him. Won't they stop it for freak's sake?!

"I told you already Harvey! IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! NO ONE WILL WIN!" Debbie yells back at Harvey.

As it was just that Debbie's element was Water, while Harvey's element was Air. So who will win in that kind of duel? No one of course! Tss. They're such airheads.

The two then kept debating if they will do the duel or not, while us; Daniel, Lukas, Eleanor, and I were just looking at them. Until--

*Knock! Knock!* Somebody suddenly knocks at the door, Debbie and Harvey then we're silent in an instant when they heard the knocking.

"I'll go get it," Says Eleanor, and stands up from her seat, "Coming!" she yells at the whoever was the person at the door, before she leaves the room.

"Hmm? We're we expecting any guests?" Harvey asks, Daniel and Lukas then just shrugged their shoulders at Harvey's question.

"Well, Ivan's supposed to be back the day after tomorrow right?" Debbie then asks.

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