Chapter 1: Cypheria Academy

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Kalista's P.O.V

Even though I knew that its only 4:00 AM I already woke up, even though I have an alarm clock that was supposed to go off at 5:00 AM, I already turned it off for it won't cause any noise later on.

I stood up from my bed and straightly went towards the bathroom to take a shower and then after, I dried off and dressed, and I only wore a simple floral dress with its skirt reaching below my knees, and it also had a long sleeves that went down to my elbows. And I also wore simple satin slippers for my feet.

And after dressing, I then started packing my clothes to my luggage. As I was accepted to a very famous Academy somewhere near the Chrystaneia Empire, and since it was very far from our kingdom I had to be a stay-in at that Academy.

And when I walked to my vanity table to get my hair brush is I noticed instead was a small jewelry box at the vanity table right next to the hair brush.

And instead of reaching for the brush, I just reached instead for the jewelry box. I then held it in my hands and opened it l, and saw a necklace that was in a silver chain and it had a small, round diamond gem as its ornament.

I was familiar with the necklace. It was the necklace that my grandmother gave me months before she passed away years ago......

And in an instant, I remember my grandmother taking care of me when my parents are busy taking care of my brother......... And my grandmother was the only person whom I have ever loved as long as I could remember......

*Knock! Knock!* Somebody suddenly knocked on the door of my room, which gave me quite a jump scare.

"Come in. It's open." I coldly replied.

The door the slowly creaked open and someone emerged from the door and came in the room--Oh, it was that demon.

I sighed, before speaking. "What is it, Ivan?" I sarcastically asked Ivan, my brother. The favorite child.

Ivan then didn't replied, but he places his gaze at the jewelry box that I was holding, and it also seemed that he had noticed the necklace stored inside the jewelry box. And by his facial expressions, I could immediately tell that he would ask a question about the necklace.

Ivan then was about to open his mouth to speak, I cutted him off. "Don't ask me that is not worth talking about. What are you here for?" I snapped at Ivan again. Before hiding the jewelry box behind my back.

Ivan then was sort of startled of me suddenly snapping out of nowhere, but he managed to speak. "Well, Mom wants to talk to you," he replied, while scratching the back of his head.

I then raised an eyebrow at him, before continuing, "And why? What does Mom wanna talk to me about?" I again asked.

"Well......" Ivan started, quite hesitating to tell me whatever he wanted to tell me, "It's about our departure for school, that's what Mom wanted to talk to you about. And she also told me that you should go there once I tell you this." he added.

And upon hearing this, I then immediately put back my jewelry box back at my vanity table before leaving my room.


I walked out from my room, to the hallway and to my mother's room.

*Knock! Knock!* I knocked, at my mother's room, as my Mother really values proper manners and etiquette.

"Come in." The usual cold, monotone voice replied. It then was my cue to enter the room.

And when I had entered the room, I then saw Mother still seated in her favorite chair, reading books. Reading was a hobby that my Mother was very fond of.

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